Wednesday 17 February 2021


Universal comprehension means love, which is the ultimate abolition of any form of selfishness, even in its most “altruistic” and “sacred” forms.

There are three forms of selfishness, namely:

--- personal selfishness; when someone wants for itself the goods it does not want for others, and, often, takes something from others for itself;

--- national selfishness; when someone or people consider their homeland to be superior to all others. The so-called patriotism is an addiction that is all the more dangerous the more camouflaged with virtuosity;

--- ecclesiastical selfishness; which proclaims its church or sect as the only true religion and despises all other forms of religion as false or works of Satan. This is the most disastrous of all selfishness because it is professed in the name of Divinity, truth and conscience. When a blind person recognizes its blindness, there is a possibility of a cure - but when blindness is called clairvoyance, it is incurable. And this is the reason why ecclesiastical selfishness is almost incurable because it is selfishness under the banner of holiness.

As long as man does not overcome these three forms of selfishness, he is not redeemed, and humanity will not enter a period of true tranquillity. All selfishness is anti-cosmic, anti-universal, anti-divine ... Overcoming this triple selfishness means comprehending the truth, the liberating truth. As long as man lives in the illusion about himself, there is no redemption.

Comprehension is Love, and where there is love, there is justice! It is a recognized fact, a truth that is not demonstrated and fundamental to the unity and security of creation. It is the mystique of worship, it is the first commandment, so intense, that it spontaneously spills ethically in the attitude of the second commandment towards all creatures of the Universes.

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