Thursday 11 February 2021


My dear friend, engrave the purest truth deep inside the soul: only one fully comprehends what one loves with ardour.

This is the synthesis of all philosophy - if you do not comprehend it, you will not comprehend the soul of life.

The truth may be as clear as day, but if it is not sympathetic to your heart - it will appear as dark as night ...

Philosophers say that the will follows the understanding - and they are right in terms of theoretical psychology.

But, in practical life, the truth which is half-understood will only become understood and fully comprehended after being loved and wanted with all the heart, with all the soul, and with all the strength of our being, for understanding, supposes a superficial experience; to comprehend is to live it, is to experience it deeply.

Therefore, my dear friend, if you want to comprehend any truth - it is important that you love and live that truth.

That you embrace it with your heart - at the same time that you analyze it with intelligence.

Only from a great affective ardour will a great comprehension shine.

It matters that the truth is something wanted and intimate to you - almost part of yourself.

Which circulates in the arteries of your spirit ... spreads in the depths of your soul ... vibrates in the pulses of your heart ... rejoices in your hymns of joy ... cries in the throes of your sorrows ... shines in the glow of your eyes ... burns in the intensity of your love ... and moans in the bitterness of your longing ...

Only then, my dear friend, will you comprehend the great truths of life - living, loving, suffering those truths ...

A blind man from birth can decorate all theories about light, he can know that light consists of ether vibrations (understanding) - but he will never quite comprehend what light is if he does not see it with his eyes and live with his soul ...

A deaf person can read the detailed description of a Beethoven symphony or a Wagner opera (understanding) - but it will never have any idea what these musical wonders (comprehension) really are ...

A theologian can carefully analyze all chapters and verses of the Gospel (understanding) - but if it does not live and suffer the divine soul of that message (comprehension), it will always be an illiterate of the Gospel ...

So, my dear friend, to be a genuine Christian:

Live the Gospel of life ... love the Gospel of love ... suffer the Gospel of pain ... and you will comprehend!

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