Thursday 18 February 2021


The most monstrous blasphemy that Christian churches have been committing for centuries is the claim that the evils of humanity are the expression of God's will.

So-and-so died in an accident ... one of cancer ... another of infantile paralysis ...

“Patience! It was God's will ...”

An innocent child was born blind, deaf, dumb, deformed, stupid ...

“May God's will be done! ...”

It happens that these blasphemies are the result of misinterpretation, since all divine messages sent from the Highest, when landing in the hands of men, become irremediably contaminated.

If that were the will of God, what is the meaning of the petition taught by Jesus: “Father, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” In heaven, the Father's will is done in perfect health, joy and happiness, without suffering or tears - but here on earth the story is different; and why is it not done like this here on earth? Impossible? So, why this petition, if its content is unrealizable?

Jesus admits the possibility that man, here on earth, will fulfil God's will with perfect health and happiness; if this is not the case, it is not because of God, nor because God has changed its mind, or because it does not want good for all its children. The difference comes from humanity - not necessarily from the individual man who suffers evil, but from humanity, from the collective conscience, which Jesus calls “the prince of this world”, “the prince of darkness”, “this is your hour and the power of darkness.”

Joel Solomon Goldsmith, in his book, “The Art of Spiritual Healing”, develops this theme wonderfully: Our evils do not come from God, nor do they always come from individual A, B or C, who suffers, but comes from humanity as an organic whole, whose solidarity manifests itself as well in evil as in good. However, up to the present moment, the Luciferlike mentality of the ego prevails in humanity, and not of the Christlike spirituality of the Self, the general environment is one of suffering.

Suffering comes from the collective sinful ego, from its separatist tendency, as Moses emphasized in Genesis, and Gautama Buddha explained in the Four Noble Truths of his profound philosophy.

In Jesus' words, this ego mentality is Satan (adversary), the devil (opponent). Simon Peter, dominated by his ego, who opposed the idea of ​​Jesus' voluntary suffering, was called Satan. Judas Iscariot, who was going to betray his Master, also under the influence of his ego is nicknamed “devil”; both one and the other, act in the name of the “prince of this world”, of the collective consciousness of human selfishness.

The Gospel states that: “And shouldn't she be released from this prison, the one who is the daughter of Abraham, who eighteen years ago Satan had imprisoned her with back problems?”

When people try to stop Jesus, he declares that he must also destroy “the works of Satan” in the other cities of Galilee, referring to the evils of men, diseases and sins, which are born from the same source of the collective ego.

We are used to glorifying the cross as a sacred symbol; however, the cross was made by sinners, not by God. What is glorious is Jesus' attitude towards the cross of a sinner, but the cross itself is not as glorious as a product of sin.

The telluric cross, from Calvary, is the quintessence of sin – “Cursed is anyone who hangs on the tree!” Only the cosmic cross, from the heavens, is glorious, a symbol of supreme liberation. The telluric cross, with the longest rod, attached to the earth, is a sign of suffering, which was born out of the guilt of sinners - the cosmic cross, with the four equal rods, freely suspended in space, is the symbol of liberation, glory and of eternal life.

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