Sunday, 7 February 2021


Man is a creature that can and must be free. But this freedom is an achievement that he himself has to achieve, develop, seek. There is no freedom caused by external factors; factors that can eventually contribute in certain situations provided that man evaluates his outer reality, and compares it with his inner reality. Thus, all horizons are opened and values are added for the achievement of true freedom which only happens with self-liberation, that is, a liberation that is born from the inner essence of man.

When Jesus, one of the most unshackled men who lived on this planet, revealed to his contemporaries and to the future humanities, his cosmic experience, in the following words: "You will know the truth - and the truth will set you free", gave everyone the key to open the doors of liberation, a key that is the recognition award for self-knowledge; knowledge of the truth about the man himself.

The issue of freedom has, through culture and history, been poorly comprehended. The vast majority of so-called educators do not attain the true meaning and essence of "what is freedom". The focus is almost always political, economic, financial - and in this particular sense - a large bank account is for man and his illusions, the supreme passport to freedom! The focus: true education, is rarely observed. To educate, that is to say: “to educate from inside towards the outside”, to extract from the essence of the student, its potentialities, so that they become dynamic and form the educated being, with new and real values, where this being can affirm one day that it is the result of its experiences in self-education.

Redemption or liberation comes from within man himself, but not from this man-ego, who is precisely the author of his slavery, but from the man-Self, the “spirit of God that dwells in man.” The man-Christ redeems the man-Satan if he opens the door to Christ consciousness. If the “grain of wheat” of the man-ego dies, then the life of the man-Self latent in that seed, “will bear much fruit”, otherwise, “will be sterile”.

Self-redemption is not ego-redemption. True redemption comes from within man, who is the man-Self, his centre, his divine Logos or Verb who incarnated and abides in him, but who is still in a latent state. To awaken that dormant divine life within, and experiencing it, that is redemption, liberation, self-realization.

The celebrated wise-seer, Ramana Maharshi, once claimed that even in the midst of the turmoil of the modern world, man can achieve self-realization. It is not necessary to dress in any special garment, wear amulets or external ornaments to claim to be religious or have attained enlightenment. Whoever thinks this way, exchanges the error that “I am a profane man” for another error, that: “I am a religious or enlightened person” - when it is necessary to be free from both illusions, to reach the pure state of “I AM”. What is essential about me is not affected by places, appearances and circumstances. For this reason, man can realize his Self anywhere, supposing that this desire is greater than any other desire.

Truth, freedom, liberation, happiness… this is the way. 

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