Wednesday 10 February 2021


My unknown friend! Erase from your soul, the knowledge and information you keep in mind, of what man means by death!

Death is a divine angel dressed in silk - but with the smile of faith on its lips and the glow of immortality in its eyes.

Death is a messenger with a key that opens our corporeal prison and restores freedom to the soul.

Why do you fear this metamorphosis in your existence?

Was the caterpillar afraid of being trapped in the cocoon and sleeping the sleep of the chrysalis?

Would it not foresee, through that transitory night, the dawn of a more beautiful and happy existence?

Would the caterpillar wish, to be eternally caterpillar?

How would it complete the cycle of its evolution, turning into a butterfly, spreading the colourful and delicate wings in the lighted atmosphere of a blue sky, without this apparent death?

And why do you fear, my unknown friend, to plunge into the hibernal sleep of death if you will resurrect in a new world?

Would you like to stay forever in the primary school of earthly life, without advancing and progressing?

Do you not feel the desire to progress from perfection toward a more perfect existence?

The more man becomes spiritual, the more he progresses and evolves.

The less man is dominated by matter, by the tyranny of the Luciferlike ego, the more divine he becomes.

Life is not worth for what it is - it is worth for what it will be.

Pain separates from the scum, the genuine gold of character.

The more the fire of pain purifies us, the purer the day of the great metamorphosis will find us.

The more we detach ourselves from the matter in life, the more immaterial we will be in death.

To become spiritual is to prelude life in the spiritual world.

It is to anticipate the definitive and integral state of our being.

It is to start being what we will be forever.

From Genesis until Revelation echoes through the pages of Sacred Scripture the strong and perennial cry: "Be spiritual, O man, for God, is spirit!"

From the most sublime and eloquent words of the Sermon on the Mount to the almost silent, short but significant sermon on Golgotha, Jesus' lips proclaimed the supreme imperative: “Be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect!”

For the metamorphosis of death to take you to paradise, unknown friend, you must perform the metamorphosis of life in yourself, which necessarily implies, in a radical change in worldly patterns of consciousness, for the advent of Christlike consciousness ...

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