Thursday 18 March 2021


The excerpt below was taken from a lecture given by Huberto Rohden.

“Morality is not ethics - although dictionaries do not make a clearer distinction about these concepts - in philosophy it is necessary to use academic rigour. Morality is based on the human laws in force in a country or at the time, however, this factor is inconstant and can change according to the circumstances of the moment and the values of each society.

In ancient times, the inhabitants of Sparta considered it a moral act to eliminate from society, children born with physical abnormalities and to keep the normal ones alive, and that was considered legal morality supported by the law because they wanted a strong society and nation. And this was morality in ancient Greece, justified by society then.

These days, this is immorality - killing a child for not being born physically perfect.

We cannot confuse morality with ethics. Ethics has nothing to do with human laws. Ethics is cosmic. Ethics has to do with the eternal Cosmic Laws.

And how do these ethics manifest itself?

The four basic pillars of ethics are harmony with the truth, justice, honesty and universal brotherhood. This is universal ethics that is accepted by everyone.

No one can fully justify the lie, injustice, dishonesty and cruelty to others. But we must not forget that the conscience of each one of us speaks for the Cosmic Laws.

However, someone may say: “I do not know what these Cosmic Laws are, their statutes, paragraphs, etc.”, but there is no need to buy any books to know or study these Laws, as they are written in the consciousness of each one, that each one must be true, righteous, honest, friend and in accordance of the universal fraternity.

When someone obeys the ethical imperative which dwells in its conscience, that person establishes within itself its existential realization or self-realization which is to live in perfect harmony with the basic pillars of existential realization.

And if someone is absent from these bases: from the truth, justice, honesty, fraternity, what happens?

The answer is simple ... existential frustration!”


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