Thursday 18 March 2021


It cannot be denied that the human intellect can perform extraordinary feats and achievements in all areas of knowledge. In this limitless search, it shows precisely - just to mention an example - stunning and colourful images of distant galaxies, or experiments on the possibilities of travelling to Mars, in an attempt to unveil the unknown in the immense Cosmos.

And this is just another challenge that man seeks to face.

Eckhart Tolle, a spiritualist of our times, affirms that man is here in this dimension of life to allow the divine purpose of the Cosmos to unfold, that he exercises fundamental importance, without which there would be no meaning for his existence.

However, the meaning of this life for the man, when facing the reality is only demonstrated in the desire to escape from himself with these centrifugal journeys, becoming alienated from his own identity and reality. And these out of space travels are just one more of the endless attempts to explore the unknown around him, to try to discover only external facts instead of creating internal values.

The famous Hindu ascetic, Sri Ramana Maharshi stated that: “To try to know the forms that exist in outer space and time, it would be as crazy as that of a man who, when shaving or cutting his hair, meditate on the destiny of each thread of these hairs.” 1

Man, seeking to conquer his externalities, lost himself in the horizontalities of technical processes without the achievement of ethical verticality, in the inevitable conflict that is established between convenience and pleasure, to the detriment of the plenitude of his internal harmony. He lives completely disconnected from his inner Self, from his centre of balance, from his spirituality, remaining connected to new aggressive agents, to whom he continually gives access and life, increasingly disorganizing his entire being.

In other words, man hides from himself, losing his address and destiny when facing the purpose of life, not showing the ability to resolve his dramas, dilemmas and unknowns, right here on the Earth where he lives, in this sphere of magnificent colours, but which hides on its surface the frightening images of lies, despair, lack of love, misery, hunger, farce, lust, wars, racism and prejudice, selfishness, slavery, avarice ... the culture of all kinds of violence ... From a prism where no light is revealed, only the monstrous gloom of madness!

As if wars, injustices, inequalities were not enough, microscopic pathogens appear from time to time - who share human and non-human life for an immeasurable time - and when free from their environment for some reason, provoke pandemonium in all the sectors of societies in all countries, annihilating entire populations and difficult to be eradicated, thereby showing the immediacy with which the human intellect works its view of events, and losing the memory of the tribulations of the past and with that, the vision of the future becomes fragmented and distorted.

On the day and time when the man begins to make his centripetal journeys - into his inner Self - searching for self-knowledge and realization, becoming conscious that he is part of a Whole, and that his mission is not only intellectual but above all rational, to evolve within the context of the planet and to look forward to inhabiting in more evolved dimensions. On that day he will be able to affirm his advances in knowledge, through the mystique of himself. Only in this way will the concept of human civilization be achieved in practice, based on the principles of spontaneous solidarity and altruism, enlightened action on the realities of the world, comprehension, morals and ethics, in harmony between diversities, in reverence and respect for all kinds of existences in nature and the Cosmos.

As long as this goal is not objectified and achieved, the man will continue at the rear of evolution, because the sociological concept of humanity, despite the good intentions of its content, is nothing but a farce; nonexistent, since the vast majority of humans belong to only one class, that of the cluster of concrete individuals aiming at their selfish interests ... continually crawling along the arid plains of mediocrity, where all the advances of the moment, the past and future, with all its mistakes and defeats, successes and celebrations are just a tremendous waste of intelligence.

Only after going through the mystical experience, says Huberto Rohden does man continue to be ethical, but his ethics lost the moral colour of “duty”; this man is no longer ethical by virtue, by a categorical imperative of conscience, but as a smooth and spontaneous overflow of his experience with God... He does not love his fellow man as himself because he sees in it a moral obligation, an ethical precept, but simply because his divine love casts its vibrations on all nature and anywhere in the Cosmos... An experience that no machine or device can give him, where all the visions of the Cosmos will show its splendour.

Centrifugal journeys depend on physical and mental resources - but the centripetal ones presuppose spiritual forces, which most human beings have not yet discovered or do not know how to use properly.

The discovery and capture of these latent energies of the central Self are the results of long years, centuries and even millennia of intense and persistent discipline, for “narrow is the path and tight is the door leading to eternal life” ...

This is the divine magic, integral, of an experience that shows the possibility for man to transcend in faith; to overcome the illusion of his tyrannical ego, and to make a pilgrimage to the Real, which leads each human being, step by step, to his integral dimension. Mystique teaches as the Brazilian poet Augusto dos Anjos says, “to have faith that before the immense evolution, that the universal man of tomorrow will overcome the particular man, he was yesterday”.

Paramahansa Yogananda, in a lecture given in Los Angeles, California, on February 16, 1939, said: “Science approaches knowledge of nature and life in another way. However, the initial promise of scientific discoveries often fails to produce something permanent. The beneficial effects are felt only for a short time; then something worse threatens man's happiness and well-being. The final victory will not come by applying the methods of science alone, because these methods deal with external things, with effects instead of their subtle causes. The world will continue, despite disasters, and science will continue to make new conquests again. But only spiritual science can teach us the way to complete victory.”

Albert Einstein - this famous universal scientist, mystic, visionary, humanist, pacifist - stated that: - “Natural science without religion is lame - religion without science is blind”. And this statement is true, because knowing only the objective facts is equivalent to cold light, light without heat and strength. However, wanting to create subjective, religious, moral and ethical values, without proper knowledge of the facts, is tantamount to running blind. Light without force creates Luciferlike intelligence - heat without force generates fanatical wills.

Religion for Einstein does not mean the churches, but re-ligare, to connect, to cling to something concrete or abstract, which in the abstract sense, refers to the preternatural or the supernatural, to divinity, to the mystique, to faith in something supposedly intangible which does not need scientific proof. Religiosity is divorced from the soul of true religion by the contamination of the human element and is often a deadly enemy of true religion.


1)- For the vast majority of scientists it is easier to show their skills in what is tangible, in what is more in vogue lately, as in intergalactic trips, hypersonic rockets, in robotics, exploring and photographing the deserts of Mars and other adventures of the ego, than trying to decipher the puzzle that for them is intangible reality, or what happens in the universe of the human psyche, intuition in thought, morals and ethics, the principles and other realities of the human essence, and, in the face of this question mark, humanity continues to mark a step in the ascending evolution of the spirit.

It cannot be denied that scientific advances have shown and show the skill of man's creative power, however, it is necessary to review priorities in scientific discoveries. There is a real battle of egos in who will first develop such a product or such a purpose, for example, on man's first trip to the moon, where two pioneer countries desperately tried to achieve.

On February 18, 2021, an unmanned vehicle - the Perseverance rover - at a cost of nearly 3 billion dollars, touched the surface of Mars, with one of the purposes of discovering the possibility of ancient traces of life on the so-called red planet, while life, here on Earth, is gradually disappearing through human greed. At the same time, while facing a virus pandemic of alarming proportions, the policy of who best and most effectively produces the vaccine and to whom it will be applied first has only been favouring countries with better financial conditions, while the others will have to wait until the year 2023 - in an optimistic forecast - to receive its first doses.

For what reason until now, there is no effective vaccine against the malaria virus, which for centuries has claimed the lives of millions of people? And when it was first applied in 2015 (!), it showed little efficiency.

According to an article in the journal Nature of August 25, 2020, which is the world-leading multidisciplinary scientific journal, that the 100% effective vaccine against malaria will start to be applied if it will be applied, only in 2021! And this discrepancy in scientific discoveries is because malaria is prevalent in tropical and subtropical regions of the planet, that is, in regions with poor populations and countries without resources; consequently, it is for the greed of the pharmaceutical companies, research that is of little interest.

Finally, the most important moment of the process in the evolution of science will only occur when it establishes values when the perseverance in scientific discoveries cease to touch the ego's illusory surface and establish itself in a more fertile ground, which is that of solidarity.

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