Tuesday 2 March 2021


A man who cares about the afterlife is generally regarded as a religious man. “Save Your Soul” is the legend written on many crucifixes found in Christian churches synthesizing the interest, according to these churches, of what man should have in the present life. To save the soul is to the current theology the alpha and omega of the life of every spiritual man.

However, it is useless to speculate about immortality and its attributes, for no man, can at this stage of evolution be clear about this ... the continuance of the personal Self, or the dilution into the vast cosmic ocean of divinity?

The truly spiritual man, i.e., one stripped of ego, the true philosopher wastes no time in speculating on the happy or unhappy luck of his soul after death and does not even discuss the existence or the non-existence of this future life, for, thanks to his profound wisdom, he has entire trust in the Truth, justice and goodness of the eternal laws of the Cosmos, that is, of Divine Providence; he knows that the Cosmic Consciousness, the Soul of the Universe, the Creator, does not commit injustices, cruelties, blatant incongruities, against any of the members of creation. The only concern of the sensible and holy man must be to tune his will with the universal will and to live in permanent and joyful harmony with the Infinite. Immortality for this man consists essentially in the voluntary integration of his portion into the Whole, into the Universal Love.

When the individual will become universal will, the man renounces speculating on the future fate of his soul, for he expects no heaven and fears no hell; he is in heaven and lives eternal life at that very moment and forever.

It is enough for man to be sure of two things, one objective, another subjective, namely:

1) The world of God is a Cosmos and not chaos, and, as a Cosmos, the Universe acts with absolute rectitude and impartiality;

2) That man must seek invariably to be in perfect harmony with this eternal and infallible cosmic order of the Universe, that is, with the will of the Creator.

Based on these two certainties within his reach, man can live in peace and happiness, without anxiety or inner doubt.

However, how to realize this attunement between the human Self and the Deity?

--- Simply by love, in its vertical aspect (the Creator) and its horizontal one (the creature), for love, is the basic law of the Cosmos!

In the Universe, everything is cooperation, which presupposes diversity. There would be no possibility of integration if there were no individually differentiated diversities. For this integration to be harmony, not monotony, the existence of the diversity of individuals is required.

Unity without diversity would be monotony.

Diversity without unity would be chaos.

Unity in diversity is harmony.

To deny that man, by separation from the material body, loses consciousness of his identity, is equivalent to deny his immortality. When the organic life ends, when the Spirit returns to its native land, whose geographical location begins in our environment and not in a certain circumscribed region of the Cosmos, man lives with even more amplitude the phenomenon of his personality. He is and continues his pilgrimage within the mental and moral boundaries he has created for himself. He continues with the nuances of his character, without any abrupt and artificial transfiguration. All things are eternal in the elements that form them, but the eternity of these elements does not mean immortality. Immortality is more than an essential eternity, it is a conscious eternity, that is, the conservation of the Self's identity.

Immortality, in its potential form, is an attribute of human nature, a gift from birth; but dynamic immortality is an achievement of man, the highest of his conquests. In every man, there is the “Kingdom of God” in a potential, embryonic, occult state; but to enter this Kingdom man must discover, see and live this dynamic immortality. He must be “reborn by the spirit” and no longer speculates about the way of life without the physical body.


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