Monday 8 March 2021


Today's humanity has not yet started the prelude to the advent of a New Humanity, because it is enslaved by the abuse of its potentialities and which obstruct the path of evolution, hence the existential frustration and the loss of its own identity, and for that very reason losing the connection to its cosmic destiny. All the chaos and painful problems of humanity today stem from the non-observance of the Laws of Nature, which only accept means because of predestined ends, and not isolated means, which add nothing and do not determine an end, which is stagnant and does not promote evolution.

Human blindness reaches such a point that the most constant allied and master of man is found in the laws inherent in nature, which are around him! The man trips over them, falls with his blindness and still does not want to see! Confirming the ancient proverb that “There is no worse blind man than the one who doesn't want to see”. In the Laws of Nature, the answers are found to make man conscious of his role in the Cosmic Whole; calm, serenity, stillness, silence, abundance, humility. The Laws of Nature show that man is just an atom in the face of this immeasurable magnitude, which must inspire a sacred reverence before the majesty and intelligence of an Infinite Power.

Human beings are the result of the environment in which they live and identify themselves, developing their character and personality. And this is the greatest of its evils, being the result of this environment, which only gives man his bankruptcy and for that reason, he is facing the primary stage of his evolution, been strongly tied to his senses, to his lower passions which are pertinent to the man still in the infantile stage of evolution, which in the metaphysical sense can be called - the childhood of belief. The vast majority of human beings are in this level, because they accept the environment in which they live, adapt to it and the worst, adjust to it!

The second stage is for those who, for reasons inherent to their characters, manage to overcome the first, developing more intelligence, but still very much tied to the concepts of the first one. This level is of greater evolution, that of the adolescence of science.

And the third stage is that of reason, which is the maturity of wisdom, the senses and intelligence integrated into the spirit, whose synthesis is revealed as reason, the most eloquent moment of man’s evolutionary process, when he acquired consciousness to discern good from evil, the truth from imposture, right from wrong, continuing on the ascensional pilgrimage that will lead him to the zenith of his angelic nature.

Reason, rationality, it is not spirit only, it is the spiritual interposing between the material and the mental, resulting in the rational, which lives under the light of wisdom.

The rational man is the integral man, the universal man. The man-Reason, Logos, Christ, who can accomplish all the skills inherited from the Creator, and to perfect himself more and more. “You are gods!”

The man will only be perfect and happy when he integrates the senses and intelligence, into the reason.

Here on Earth, it was Jesus who most perfectly personified the integral man. The place of his earthly life seems to be a symbol of his cosmic experience since Palestine is a link between the West and the East, a link between the material-mental man and the spiritual man. Jesus was not materialistic nor was he spiritualist - he was universalist. He never despised the things of the senses and the intellect - and he never despised the things of the spirit - he made a synthesis between them. He never said that man needed material things, but he said that he came so that man could have life and have it in abundance.

If Jesus had been a good Western materialist, he would have told his disciples to deal only with material things, and not to be interested in spiritual things. If he had been a good oriental spiritualist, he would have recommended to his followers that they should only be interested in the things of the spirit, and not think about the world of matter, the illusions of earthly life.

Nor did he claim that man should deal only with the kingdom of God; but he insisted in the first place that it was about spiritual things, which is the most important thing, and harmony (justice, adjustment) that exists between the realm of spiritual things and material things, and then these would be given to him also, without the man having to worry and running frantically after these things.

However, Jesus was a cosmic, integral man. He knew that the spiritual kingdom of God is the cause and source of other things, of the material-mental world, and that raising the consciousness of the cause necessarily produces the corresponding effects - this is Jesus' metaphysical-mystical mathematics.

While man looks for “only other things”, as the materialist does, he is incomplete, and the incomplete man is unhappy. If he only seeks the “Kingdom of God”, as the spiritualist does, he can be inwardly happy, but he is still incomplete, because, while living here on Earth, he is out of place, incompatible with the environment of his earthly experience.

Neither the materialist nor a spiritualist is the integral man, the fully realized, the truly happy man. Man must find “justice”, adjustment, harmony between the “Kingdom of God” and “other things” - only then will he be complete and happy, because he will no longer have to frantically chase after “other things”, because these things “will be given to him also”, as a result, as a spontaneous and infallible consequence. Once the spiritual cause is objectified, and the intimate harmony that exists between the spiritual world and the material world becomes conscious, the material effects will necessarily follow the spiritual cause - and then the integral man will appear, the God of the world will manifest in God's world.

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