Tuesday 2 March 2021


Where there is no light there is no life, beauty and joy. Without light, everything is dead, ugly, sad.

What the profane man call life, beauty and joy are like light painted on museum canvas, but it is not true light. The most perfect light painted on a canvas does not illuminate or heat; it is an illusory, fictional light. A fire painted on a canvas does not provide light or heat, but the flame from a matchstick produces this effect. The difference between natural light and artificial light, between true light and painted light, is not a matter of quantity, but quality. With the flame of a matchstick, we can set an entire forest on fire or light a small room - but with artificially painted light, we can neither light nor heat.

Any spark when it finds enough fuel produces fire, which is a chain reaction of a molecular character, and as long as there is fuel, the fire does not extinguish.

The same happens in the metaphysical world, where the chain reaction is without limits: it is enough for an enlightened human being to appear, the metaphysical enlightenment and fire propagate irresistibly. More than two thousand years ago a man of this nature appeared, of light and fire, who said: “I am the light of the world”, “I came to set fire on the earth and how I wish it were already lit!”. And since then, many humans have been lit by that fire. It is enough for someone to become suitable fuel, to be illuminated by this gigantic Christ-cosmic conflagration, of this chain reaction, of this contagion of light and fire, when a man develops in himself that necessary receptivity of enlightenment.

The profane man is in darkness or under a thick shadow because he is behind an opaque wall, which rises between him and the light; live in that darkness and knows nothing of the light.

The mystic man came to know that there is light on the other side of the opaque wall, and, desirous of the light, he decides to tear down that wall, which is the material world and of which his own body and all things of the ego are part.

The cosmic man, however, discovered a third alternative: he is not behind any opaque wall, nor has he broken down that wall, but because he is so enlightened, he has made this wall transparent. This man awoke in him such a power of wisdom that he managed to make the dividing wall between him and the light transparent; he made the opaque wall a crystalline prism, through which the colourless light penetrates and becomes the wonder of the colours of the rainbow, embellishing all things in his life. But, to illuminate the dividing wall of worldly things, he must have intensified his receptivity to enlightenment to the maximum level.

The light is colourless.

The crystal prism has three faces.

And the result of that encounter forms the colours of the rainbow.

The soul, the mind and the body - this triangular prism - when they become perfectly transparent, can transform the white light of Christ into the multi-coloured wonder - as happened with Jesus, through whom the cosmic Christ was manifested - and his personality appeared “full of grace and truth”.

When the Word of our Christlike Self illuminates’ man, the ego can transform that light into darkness, just as it can make the ego, the most beautiful creature of God.

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