Friday 5 March 2021


Science is born from the study of objective facts - consciousness deals with subjective values. Science develops within the impersonal world of unconscious things - and consciousness operates in the depths of the personal world, of conscious and free beings.

The intellect (science) is the result of the ego's achievements in unveiling the realities and the impact on man, of the quantitative facts produced by him - but reason (conscience), is the principle that governs man, qualitatively.

Science, which is the voice of the intellect, reflects impersonal facts - consciousness, which is the voice of reason, creates personal values. Therefore, man is not good for what he is intellectually (he may even be positively evil), but he is good for what he offers morally. It is significant that no religion promises heaven to the intelligent, but to the man who manages, based on his internal moral and ethical values, to promote the well-being of all humanity, that is, the good man.

In some of his books, Albert Einstein - this famous universal scientist, mystic, visionary, humanist, pacifist - shows the difference between science and religion, saying, in short, that science deals with what is, not what should be, which is the attribute of religion. Science discovers the facts of the external world, whereas the ethical and spiritual man, creates the values of the internal world. Suppose – goes on the great analyst of the Universe - that a man has discovered all the secrets of Nature and possesses all the knowledge of the Universe’s phenomena - is this man, for this very reason, good and intimately happy? No, Einstein replies though he does not deny that this knowledge of objective facts can be of help to him and is a step toward acquiring true kindness and subjective happiness; for what makes a man really good and happy are not the facts of which he is a discoverer, but the values of which he is a creator, since the discovery of the facts, are only received quantities, whereas the creation of values is qualities produced1

Here, we can also apply the well-known words of Paul of Tarsus attributed to Jesus: “There is more happiness in giving than in receiving.” What I am subjected to does not make me good or bad, but only what I manifest, produce, extract from within my being. We could even boldly affirm that God would not be good and happy if he were just a static reflector of reality - what makes him really good and happy is the fact that God is a dynamic creator of internal values if one can say so. And here in this boldness, I ask the reader to read more with intuition than with his eyes, which I present between the lines of this statement.

And Einstein concludes by saying that: “Natural science without religion is lame - religion without science is blind.” And that statement is true - knowing only objective facts amounts to cold light, warmthless light, powerless - yet wanting to create subjective, moral and ethical religious values, without proper knowledge of facts, amounts to running blindly. Light without force creates Luciferlike intelligence - heat without force generates fanatical wills.

Science is the effort to gather, through analytical thinking, the perceivable phenomena of the world, more fully and following the analytical ability of the thinker. And religion, to free humanity from the bondage of egocentric longings, desires and fears, contributing to a religious spiritualization of life’s comprehension.


1)- In the paragraph in which the phrase by Huberto Rohden appears, “since the discovery of the facts are only received quantities”, one can try to add another boldness that may shock the purely rational minds, regarding the discoveries in the field of sciences. The Universe, the primary source, the material result of the Cosmic Powers’ intelligence, left to the man the power to dynamize his potentialities, and with that, to open the fields for his discoveries. To say that whoever invents or discovers the facts of nature is the sole owner of this knowledge is to forget that the so-called discoverer is only a vector of that discovery. Everything has already been invented, discovered. The idea, already existed before, floating in the ether, covered by a thin veil! The man just removed this veil allowing the discovery to reveal itself materially; like the sculptor of a rough stone, such as Socrates, the brilliant philosopher who never wrote philosophy, but who was also an accomplished sculptor. He was once commissioned by the city of Athens to sculpt a nymph out of a block of white marble. And when the beautiful entity emerged from the shapeless block, everyone congratulated Socrates on his work. The philosopher, however, refused praise, because he said that he was not the one who sculpted this nymph; she was hidden inside the marble block; he just removed what prevented him from seeing in the public eye. Socrates already saw the nymph intuitively before it was visible to the eyes of the body.

Einstein claimed to exist in the Universe, a power much greater than the human mind can imagine ... the God according to him is the God of Spinoza: “…who reveals itself in the harmony of everything that exists, not in the God who is interested in the luck and actions of men”.

Another celebrity in the world of science said to the astonishment and scepticism of his colleagues at the famous Trinity College, Cambridge in England, that: “An equation means nothing to me unless it expresses a thought of God.” And that mathematical genius, was Srinivasa Ramanujam (1887-1920), an Indian who lived during the British rule in India, who although having had almost no formal training in pure mathematics was responsible for substantial contributions to mathematical analysis, number theory, infinite series and continuous fractions, including solutions to mathematical problems that were then considered insoluble which until today have revolutionized the discoveries in this important subject.

And these are the “quantities received”, the potential inherent to man, which can and should be revealed in the dynamics of his existence...

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