Sunday 21 March 2021


Once upon a time, there was a man who deeply believed in his religious thoughts and, due to his sincerity, he advanced spiritually so far that he finally found himself above all dogmas and beyond all ritualism of his organized church; he found with surprise that he was more universal than sectarian. He found that, in his long ascending spiritual pilgrimage, he was following the arrow to the encounter to his divine Self.

One day, this religious man met with another man, who came from a different sector of the churches. They greeted each other, exchanged smiles, discussed ideas and found that they belonged to the same religion, that they were both believers in a divine encounter with their individual Self and that they met at the altar of perfect harmony and brotherhood. Their old religious labels, the handcuffs and the cloisters imposed by blind guides of false religions had gone beyond a distant frontier, for these labels belonged to the set of archaic dogmas of outdated doctrinal systems, not belonging to the divine soul of the Universal Religion.

Walking side by side, the two went on their journey, talking about their experiences with God when they reached a crossroads and found another man who joined them. And in conversation, they discovered that he came from a different religious ideology, but, through many experiences and sufferings, he had freed himself from the doctrines of his group. Together on this pilgrimage, they ended up verifying that they were both disciples and worshipers of the same God, in spirit and truth. What separated them in the past, at the lower levels of their spiritualities, was only the mental and verbal body of their doctrines, definable and analyzable, but what now united them was the spiritual soul of the vast and profound experience of God found in the Religion Universal.

And the three continued walking, oblivious to time and space and the illusions of the external world of objective quantities when, suddenly, they saw a serene and majestic figure approaching, and among of a great silence, they heard these words:

“For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them...”

* * *

True religion or Cosmic Philosophy is not meant to defend or attack this or that body of theological doctrines, which, at best, are the work of human architecture, are like the scaffolding of an unfinished building.

As soon as the construction is completed, no one leaves the scaffolding standing, because what was an aid yesterday is a hindrance today. No butterfly drags its cocoon with it, even if it is made of pure silk; is grateful for the good services that the cocoon provided, at the time of its evolution, giving it protection and security, but now the butterfly's wings are much more efficient than, in the past, the narrow and the static shell of the cocoon.

Some of the most spiritually evolved men are on the verge of a new world, or rather, they are seeing the old world of their theological beliefs through a new world of spiritual experiences. The profane man of yesterday and today will become the sacred man of tomorrow. And this man will be able to establish with a certain clarity that, within what he believes, his wisdom is still dormant, which will only awaken when his divine Self is awakened.

It is dimming the sunset of belief and awakens the dawn of wisdom...

True philosophy does not manifest itself in the face of the noisy and sometimes hysterical structure of religions - but seeks to realize in man the silent soul of Religion. It seeks to awaken man to the great reality that snoozes in his depths, and that, once awake, can transform his life and make him powerful, harmonious, good and happy.

The man identified with the Infinite and Absolute Reality does not give importance to the individual and finite things that govern the life of the common man, manipulated by the tyrannical ego, like a puppet. Praise or criticism, success or failure, cheers or boos, loves or hates, sympathies or dislikes - none of this affects and unbalances the mind of the man who has harmonized with the supreme Reality, with the invisible Creator, the Nameless, which permeates all visible creatures of the Cosmos. And what is most paradoxical and wonderful is that this balance between the opposite extremes does not make the cosmic man an indifferent and insensitive person, but makes him serene and benevolent towards all the creatures of God.

This divine Presence in man no longer demands from him the concerns of existential dramas and dilemmas, since all events are overcome by themselves. The acceptance of daily life, more than overcoming it, is the key that leads this man to live with intensity, peace and enthusiasm, everything that life offers him. When the anchor of this Presence is manifested and fixed in his life, nothing else is needed ... he only appreciates and gratifies. Even things of the past have become an illusion of his fleeting imagination and will never again have meaning because nothing has been lost and everything has become a positive revenue.

Reconciliation is the word that establishes that moment in man and his freedom. Reconciliation with himself and with his human and non-human fellows, in the knowledge of himself, in his self-realization. In this state of conscience, or no conscience, all the bonds that used to trap man are released, because knowing the truth, he lives in freedom!

And that is the Christlike message sent by the greatest spiritual master that humanity knows.

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