Sunday 29 August 2021


Since ancient times in human history, there has been interchanging between superterrestrial, terrestrial and infraterrestrial entities of the Universe. Sometimes this exchange is merely mental and even unconscious; sometimes, it becomes material and conscious. As proof of this, the ancient mythologies used to do, personifying the cosmic entities giving them certain names.

This exchange has become much more intense and concrete, especially since the beginning of the Nuclear Era. The so-called “flying saucers” represents a visible face of this cosmic interchange. The entities managing these devices are inhabitants of the inter-sidereal spaces. Their bodies and vehicles are of astral substance, or energetic, materializing when entering the terrestrial atmosphere, which may eventually return to their original spatial substances, still unknown to humans.

These astral entities are endowed with consciousness and free will as humans, and may therefore be emissaries of light or darkness, beneficial or evil to the inhabitants of Earth. What sacred books say about the hierarchies of good and evil can be applied to these mentalities of space, and some call these beings snakes and cherubs, alluding to what the text of Genesis says of the sentinel of the tree of knowledge and life.

What is the purpose of these space entities when they visit planet Earth?

Where consciousness and free will prevails, one cannot speak of purpose in the singular. Free will is essentially bilateral and always unpredictable. Both the emissaries of light and darkness are part of the space visitors. Some want our realization; others, our destruction.

The astral cherubs know the danger that our mental Lucifer created for the survival of humans on the planet Earth. If our atomic and nuclear experiences lose control over the chain reaction we unleashed - Goodbye, humans!... Goodbye, life on Earth!...

The insistent appeal which Albert Schweitzer addressed in the last years of his life to all the governments of the world was an alert inspired by the benevolent cherubs of space. Our nuclear and atomic power stations attract astral visitors interested in the state of our atomic fission, on which the future of humans and Earth depends.

The snakes of space may promote our intellectual knowledge to interfere with the fate of the Adamic man, like the snake of Eden, tried in the beginning.

We are not alone, for sure...

The fate of humans is increasingly dependent on the interference of extraterrestrial entities. And more and more prevails over humans, the power of cosmic beings, and no one knows if the space snake's strategy will end in victory or defeat.

According to certain extraterrestrial mentalities, humans are only a primitive fauna, suitable for laboratory experience; visitors take from here material and people as guinea pigs for their researches. For them, our science and techniques are at an elemental level. For example, our air crafts still use fossil fuels - when they use the magnetic currents of space to move their spacecraft, with great speed and in perfect silence...

What would Plato say about Atlantis? Would repeat what, over 2,000 years ago, wrote about the Luciferlike mentality of the ancient Atlanteans? Is the human intellect not in the process of collective suicide because it is not integrated into the Cosmic Reason? Does the power of darkness not prevent the victory of the powers of light?

If it is true - as the Eastern philosophy says - that humans are facing the Kali-yuga as an era of increasing human, cultural, social, environmental, and spiritual degradation, symbolically referred to as the Dark Ages because people are distant from God. If that is so, we run the risk of more and more being involved in darkness and chaos!

Sacred books give us a distant hope that a small elite will survive the mass suicide of humans; and that this elite will be the dawn of a true Humanity. And to illustrate this idea, iron turns to rust, but rust will not become iron again. However, if iron atoms remain, they will react to the impact of the magnet - and from the universal cataclysm announced by the visionaries will remain a not corroded elite - and then there will be a new heaven and a new Earth.


Some scientists agree that because of the billions of stellar systems in the Universe - or Universes as recently reported - it is assumed that evolution works more or less the same everywhere, and space must be saturated with intelligent creatures. Many of them must be at an advancement level far greater than humans for in cosmic terms, our solar system is still very young.

According to them, in the Milky Way alone, there are an estimated 400 billion stars and that there are still billions of other galaxies in the Universes.

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