Monday 23 August 2021


Do not forget, my unknown friend, that every man, even the most positive and dynamic, is essentially weak, destitute, in need of help.

Every man has his hours of inner solitude, hours of darkness and discouragement, hours of disorientation and pessimism.

You need to know how to guess, in the eyes and soul of others, those hours of profound frustration.

You must know when to visit him - and when to leave him alone ...

When to talk to him - and when to remain quiet with him ...

When to cheer him up - and when to comprehend him, for even the saints, must be comprehended ...

You need to know when it's time - and when it's not ...

You must know how to be silent in the face of his intimate defeats - and close your eyes to his weaknesses ...

Whoever expects absolute perfection from his brother will only find disappointment.

There are in the life of every mortal, intimate moments of pain where all the lights go out, where all the stars of the firmament are eclipsed, and when all the columns tremble under the devastation of the earthquake ...

In human life, there are trances of supreme anguish in which the poor martyr of the tyrannical ego has to disguise with the serenity of a conventional smile, the fiery volcano of his inner tragedy ...

Society does not always allow the man to be what he is ...

Happy is the one who finds an understanding soul amid incomprehension!

Happy is the one who knows to ignore in the discreet reticence of great love, what disunites men and ignites in the soul’s hells of misery!

Many are the men who see with admirable precision - few who know how to be blind when it suits ...

Eternal silence surrounds the summits of the great mountains - and the depths of the sea ...

Quiet are the most human and the most divine moments of our life - the depths of pain and the heights of love.

In the highest and deepest chasms of his being, man is alone ...

And alone with himself and God has to solve the most tragic of life's problems ...

Nobody can follow him in this great solitude ...

Neither father nor son ...

Neither husband nor wife ...

Neither brother nor friend ...

He, alone with God ... 

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