Thursday 12 August 2021


Man is the result of his habitual thoughts. The resolutions of the mind create external acts. For example, those who habitually live in broad and benevolent thoughts cannot practice narrow and malevolent acts, just as living in malevolent thoughts attract only negative energies.

Therefore, be careful with your thoughts! Food for many - poison for the very many.

The education of thoughts is the basis of education - and who gives importance to this primordial factor of pedagogy? How can a person be good if his thoughts are evil?

The “cold war” of the newspapers prepares the “real war” on the battlefields, feeding the fuel to be ignited at any time. Public authorities should categorically prohibit any mental and verbal harassment from avoiding real hostility. But the heresy of “freedom of thought and speech” and “freedom of the press” does not allow this kind of service of mental and social prophylaxis.

“Who says what it wants, hears what it does not want.”

“Whoever sows winds reaps storms.”

The United Nations is undoubtedly a beautiful idea - but it will never be a solid reality until we have United Minds.

Gandhi did not allow his companions to feed thoughts hostile to the English to prevent them from practising hostile acts.

To think evil is the prelude to doing evil.


The media of the 21st century is at the service of the system established in each culture and at the world level. The vast majority relies on the hypocrisy of the “politically correct” action and reaction to not create friction between the divisions within each system. Thus, establishing the disinformation, half-truths, or mainly lies, which is the basis of the relationship between human groups. The few who try to speak the truth - the consciousness of reality - are silenced and often brutally eliminated. Television and radio, as a rule, suffer prior censorship, for they are organs under the control of the system. So they carefully elaborate what it is or not for the public interest without affecting its so-called “credibility”.

Yet social networks, a powerful tool in creating good and evil, are subjects in transforming peace in war – but rarely the contrary - and are hardly censored or lately blocked, having already done enough damage when they insult and offend the virgin state of minds of ones lacking information. In these networks, all kinds of news can be collected immediately, ranging from the bizarre to the shameless, from the scandal to the truth, from the information full of lies to the one who brings the correct news. All the chaos established nowadays comes from the minds of most human beings who are still crawling along the barren plains of mediocrity.

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