Wednesday 18 August 2021


Nowadays, many people talk about initiation. Everyone wants to be initiated. But they understand by initiation, an initiation by some external agent, another

person, a master or a guru. However, this form of initiation is a fantasy, an illusion, a spiritual fraud.

There is only self-initiation. Man can only be initiated by himself. A possible advisor

can show the path to self-initiation; it can place arrows along the path that indicates the right direction the disciple must follow to get to the knowledge of the truth about itself. This can and should this guider do – supposed that the guider itself is a self-initiate.

Jesus, for three consecutive years, showed his disciples the path of initiation, which he calls the “Kingdom of Heaven”, but he did not initiate any of them. They began the process of self-initiation on the Sunday morning of Pentecost, according to Luke in the Acts of the Apostles.

But this self-initiation happened only after 9 days of deep silence and meditation; 120 people initiated themselves, without any external master, only directed by the inner master of each one, by the consciousness of their divine Self, of their soul, of their inner Christ, which can and should be performed by every person.

--- But what does initiation mean?

--- Initiation is the beginning of the experience of truth about oneself - where begins in this process, a basic change in the condition of existence.

A profane man lives in the illusion about himself. He doesn’t know what he is. This man identifies himself only with his body, mind, and emotions and lives in this illusion. He is not initiated in the truth about himself, doesn’t possess self-knowledge, and therefore cannot be self-realized.

--- What should a profane man do to begin self-realization to leave the world of delusion about himself and enter the world of truth?

He must do what the first group of self-initiated did, in the year 33, in Jerusalem, that is, he must learn to meditate, which necessarily implies a complete review of behaviour. The average man lives 16 hours a day, immersed in his chores in an attempt to resolve his dramas and dilemmas under the constant noise caused by the so-called civilization, with a multi-polarized mind in thoughts of all sorts, not giving the slightest room for the stillness and silence to invade his soul and may allow the wisdom of the Universe to approach his being. Only when a man becomes aware of the need for change, will he be able, from the learning of the stillness that the Universe invades his soul for a new and more abundant restart of life.

Jesus' disciples performed three years of learning and nine days of meditation - then self-initiated themselves. They discovered the liberating truth. The truth that freed from the illusion of identifying with their body, mind, emotions; they came out of the darkness of the enslaving illusion and entered into the light of liberating truth: “I am spirit, I am soul, the Father and I are one, the Father is in me, and I am in the Father; the kingdom of the heavens is within me.”

And whoever discovers the truth about itself is free from all lies and illusions. It frees itself from selfishness, greed, lust, the will to exploit, to use fraud to deceive the law. To be free of all injustice, all dishonesty, all hatred and hostility - of the whole chaotic world of the tyrannical ego.

The initiate dies to its illusive self and is born to its true Self.

The initiate takes the first step into the “Kingdom of Heaven.” Eternal life begins amid earthly life. Does not expect heaven after death, lives in the heaven of truth, here and now - and forever.

This is self-initiation.

This is self-knowledge.

This is self-realization.

And the beginning of this realization only occurs through meditation; however, true meditation is impossible without man emptying himself of all the contents of his illusory ego; whoever empties himself of its ego-consciousness will be fulfilled by the cosmos-consciousness, which is initiation. And it is possible to perform this self-emptying at the time of meditation, even if it is half an hour of introversion. However, it must be remembered that this moment of meditation does not solve anything; it does not open the door to initiation - if a man does not free himself from the bondage of his ego.

--- And how to do that?

To free oneself from ego slavery is to use material goods to the necessary extent, not superfluous; man must and can have a necessary comfort but without excesses.

Without detachment from the superfluous, mystical experience (the contact with divinity) in the moments of meditation is impossible without ethics (the experience with men) in daily life.

Luxury and lust are the rubbish that clutters the path to the initiation, and whoever does not remove this garbage can do as many meditations as it wishes and will not be initiated because cosmic laws cannot be fooled.

Man's true happiness begins with his self-initiation. Out of this, he may have a world of joys and pleasures, but he will not have true happiness, peace of mind, and tranquillity of conscience. All joys and pleasures are of the illusory ego; only happiness is of the true Self.

A self-initiate redeems itself and helps the redemption of others.

“When a single man - wrote Mahatma Gandhi - reaches the plenitude of love (self-realization), neutralizes the hatred of many millions.”

Nothing can the world expect from a man who expects something from the world - everything the world can expect from a man who expects nothing from the world.

The initiate gives everything and expects nothing from the world. It has already settled the accounts with the world, is even with the world. Can give everything without losing anything; it is a mystic - not a mystic of solitary isolation, but a dynamic and supportive mystic, living amid the world without being of the world.

Where there is a plenitude, there is also an overflow. Man, plentiful of self-knowledge and self-realization, overflows his plentifulness, consciously or unconsciously, whether knowing or not, wanting it or not. This cosmic law works infallibly.

This man performs good deeds because he is good by living in harmony with the soul of the Universe. Therefore, to do good to others and to humanity, it is not necessary or sufficient to do many things. Still, it is necessary and sufficient to be good, to be realized and plentiful in his central Self, to be conscious and living accordingly to it, with his inner Christ.

The plenitude of the mystical consciousness of God's unique paternity overflows irresistibly in the ethical experience of the universal fraternity of men.

To have oranges, it is necessary to have a healthy orange tree. Nor is it necessary to teach it what to do - it knows, with infallible certainty, how to produce flowers and fruits.

So, the whole worry of wanting to do good to others without being good is an illusion as baleful as the effort of wanting to produce an orange without having an orange tree.

More important than doing good is being good.

--- But what does it mean to be good?

Where there is no inner plenitude, there can be no external overflow. To do good to others, man must be good in himself.

Only the knowledge of the truth about oneself is liberating; every illusion about oneself is enslaving.

The loudest successes without the inner realization are dazzling voids; they are like soap bubbles - beautiful on the outside, but full of emptiness inside. 1% of being good accomplishes more than 100% of performing good deeds.

To be truly good, man must be in perfect harmony with the eternal laws of truth, justice, honesty, love, fraternity, and live according to his conscience. All doing good without being good is illusory, just as any overflow is impossible without being plenty. Our doing well is worth as much as our being good. Being good is self-knowledge and self-realization.

Self-initiation is essentially a matter of being, not of doing. This plenitude of being is not achieved by simple solitude but by relaying introversion and extroversion. A man should periodically make his entrance into himself, into the solitude of meditation, and then exiting into the external world to test the strength and authenticity of his inner entrance into the external world.

Anyone who aims at self-initiation must work this entrance and exit... in this mystical implosion and this ethical explosion.

There is no evolution without resistance. Everything easy is not guaranteed; all ascensional evolution is difficult; it demands struggle, suffering, resistance.

To stagnate is easy.

To descend is very easy.

To ascend is difficult.

Every evolution is an ascend, and without ascending, there is no initiation.

Self-initiation and self-realization are the supreme aims of man.

A single self-realized man is more dazzling than all the other greatness of the Universe.

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