Friday 27 August 2021


What is this deep desire?

--- Sex, says Freud.

--- Power - exclaims Nietzsche.

--- Wealth - the vast majority would say.

However, none of these represents the supreme and most vehement desire of the man.

It is the yearning to surpass oneself, the degree of evolution he is now, and to reach the highest possible level - even if still far distant. What man has realized today does not represent even 10% of his latent potentialities. Every man feels somehow obscure and distant that he is not plentifully what he could be; his implicit potentialities are far greater than his explicit achievements.

He guesses or feels with instinctive security that dwells his happiness, attaining his great destiny in this direction.

His unknown nature in search of the Cosmos does not allow the man to rest. In fact, man is much more what can be than what he is, at the level of his objective and historical realities. His true nature is yet to be born because it was conceived and is in its gestation in his mysterious being.

Man is much more his ideas and his ideals than his known realities.

If Mary Magdalene had really been that “public sinner possessed of seven demons,” as Luke said, and as the public asserted, she would never have been that ardent disciple of Jesus; she could be even that sinner, in the “atrium of the heathen” and the profane, that is, at the historical level of her objective realities accessible to the public at that time - but in the innermost realm of her true self she was pure and a virgin. And who knows if she, who was not virgin in her body, was no more a virgin of soul than the most chaste virgins of her time? She could have known many men - but she does not get involved with any; her true passion was celebrated solely with the “Son of man” and not with the sons of men...

Jesus saw far beyond all the objective realities of Magdalene's body and contemplated the subjective attitude of her soul. He knew she was not a virgin - but he knew what she was potentially... in her pure soul!

But... what is written above is dangerous for the profane - it should only be read by the initiate... For those, it is poison - for these is nourishment.

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