Monday 23 August 2021


Meditation and contemplation are not a privilege for a small elite of supermen; they are accessible to any normal human being. However, the potentialities which lie dormant for the development of these activities must be awakened.

One should not think that the exercises for meditation and contemplation aim only at the portion of man's spiritual life: they benefit all human activities, even those that do not seem to be related. The merchant, the industrialist, the scientist, the magistrate, the statesman, the worker, the student, the housewife - all will see that the encounter with their divine Self brings real benefits to all the activities of human life.


If the effort is great, the result of this work will be even greater!


Regally rewarded will be the one who once tasted these results.


Among others, the following are the results obtained by the interiorization exercises:


- Inner security,

- Certainty of all doubts,

- Tranquility of spirit,

- Peace of soul,

- Mental acuity,

- Independence of others' opinions,

- Permanent joy of living,

- Benevolence towards all beings,

- Happiness while suffering,

- Certainty of immortality in the present life.


The purpose of meditation and contemplation is solely to create in man this clear consciousness: The Father is in me, and I am in the Father... Of myself (by my human ego), I can do nothing; whoever does the works is the Father who is in me (my divine Self).


Once this consciousness of the divine Self is created in deep solitude, all sectors of the human ego will gradually be permeated by the leaven of The Kingdom of God in man until all is leavened.

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