Wednesday 18 August 2021


“For, in the same way, you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”

With these words, Jesus expresses the law of the indestructible balance of the Universe. No creature, however powerful, can unbalance the cosmic balance of justice. No one can thwart one of the Creator's plans. According to the metaphysical theory of being, or objective of things, the Creator will always be 100% victorious, for no one can defeat God. All rebellions of creatures, subjectively hostile to God, will contribute objectively to evidence the Father's unique sovereignty and infinite majesty.

However, within this indestructible objective order and this stable equilibrium of the Universe, there can be ups and downs, lights and shadows, good and evil. Every conscious and free creature, using its free will, can oppose God and try to prevail against the Cosmic Potencies. Man’s free will is sufficient for him to be responsible for his free acts, but this responsibility is limited by the very finitude of human nature; in metaphysical terms, man is only partially free and thinks that this freedom - shown in his inconsequent and arrogant acts - is not under the jurisdiction of the Cosmic Constitution of the Universe. If man were free, he would be omnipotent, like the Infinite. The Infinite says Baruch Spinoza, freedom and necessity coincide; God is necessarily free and freely necessary.

This is the mystery of the freedom of the conscious creature.

It is absurd to admit that some finite creature can defeat the Infinite, that the part can prevail over the Whole, that some existential effect may frustrate the plans of the Essential Cause.

God’s plan cannot be frustrated by man. The creature does not choose between fulfilling or not fulfilling it; it has only two ways of fulfilling; joy or pain, but in any case, the creature will fulfil the Creator's plans, either by enjoying or suffering. The unfailing fulfilment belongs to God, the joyful or painful fulfilment belongs to man.

Now, when man opposes God's plans, lacking in Truth, Justice, Love, he then enters the level of guilt (or sin), having to face the penalty (suffering). By guilt, a man tries to turn away from God; he is brought near to God by penalty. By guilt, he unbalances the balance of the Universe - by penalty, he rebalances this subjective imbalance. “Subjective” because an objective imbalance is impossible; if it were possible, God would cease to be sovereign and omnipotent, and the Universe would cease to be a “Cosmos” to become a “chaos.”

Guilt is something negative, as negative is also pain, suffering.

The negative of guilt infallibly causes the negative of the penalty. Negative produces negative, positive produces positive.

The evil which comes from the subject (guilt) produces the evil coming from the object (penalty).

Good, born from the subject (love), produces good from the object (joy).

If I take a bad, negative attitude towards the Universe, hating it - the Universe will take a negative attitude against me, making me suffer.

If I take a positive, good attitude towards any component of the Universe, loving it - the Universe will take a positive attitude in my favour, making me enjoy.

Only in this way is it possible to maintain the stable equilibrium of the Universe.

All man's wisdom lies in never taking a negative attitude, but always the positive one towards the Universe and its components. It is absurd to think that a person pouncing his head against the Himalayas may overthrow this gigantic mountain. However, it may perhaps displace some insignificant pebble, which will continue to be an integral part of the Himalayas. All wisdom is that man spontaneously harmonize his subjective attitude with the eternal and indestructible objective Reality of the Universe; to tune his will and act with God's will and act.

To create any negative of guilt is equivalent to provoke a negative of pain or suffering.

To create a positive of love is tantamount to provoke a positive of joy.

Sin causes suffering.

Love begets happiness.

The inexorable rectitude of the Cosmic Constitution of the Universe measures us to the same extent, which manifests itself generally through its concrete agents, nature or man. Nature and man are the representatives of eternal Truth and Justice. Who opposes this Truth or Justice will have to suffer – who harmonizes with this Truth, and Justice will enjoy.

This consequence, negative or positive, does not always appear immediately. Still, its appearance is infallible, even if it takes decades, centuries or millennia, because in no case can the order of the Universe, subjectively denied by guilt or affirmed by love, fail to act in the same sense, negative or positive, producing suffering or joy.

It is not possible to be virtuous by exercising addictions. To be mean is to be unhappy. Being good means being happy.

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