Tuesday 10 August 2021


When a highly ethical or moral man engages in a love that embraces all beings, this is for him a kind of talent or a heroic virtue of which he is fully aware for it is the result of tremendous efforts and painful sacrifices; it is the final term of many years of self-discipline.

This supreme achievement of the ethically virtuous man can generate in him a sense of pride and self-satisfaction.

Quite different is the behaviour of the cosmic conscious man; he is not a talent, but a genius, though neither is he generally exempt from the preliminary apprenticeship of sacrificial ethics. His cosmic consciousness is something like a biological perfection, like a divine charisma. Hence, it never tempts him to be proud of this greatness because it is his nature, the general rule of his being, and not only an exception of this rule, in the form of action in a positive attitude.

The universal love with which he embraces all beings - the Real and the realized ones - is not for him a virtue, ethical heroism, a moral talent, but a deep and vast nature. As he feels integrated into the Great Whole of the Cosmos, there is no merit in this integration fact, for it is his climate, his vital atmosphere, his bliss.

This man is not talentedly virtuous - he is genially wise.

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