Tuesday 24 August 2021


Nothing is impure by itself, for everything comes from the Infinite Purity. However, the conscious and free being can lose its natural purity and become impure by abusing its freedom.

Moral impurity is called selfishness.

All sin is, ultimately, selfishness - as all holiness is love.

And selfishness is ignorance, error, confusion.

The selfish takes its pseudo self, its personality, by its true Self, profound and divine.

The pseudo self, the ego, that man discovers in himself, at the lowest stage of his spiritual evolution is the physical self, that is, his material body. When a man says, “I am sick”, he falsely identifies his ego as his physical body.

As long as we don’t overcome this merely sensitive stage of evolution, we place our physical ego, the body and its needs - hunger, thirst, sensual pleasures - as the centre and the sun of our lives, around which all the planets of our thoughts and daily routine will revolve, for the human body is but a mass that the soul shapes; hiding the Spirit's identity and hiding the inner light or darkness. The real reality is the Spirit. Man is the one implicit in it, unknown to the view of others.

Some go beyond this frontier and discover their mental self, that is, the world of intelligence revealed in science, techniques, etc. And then all their activities revolve around this new sun, even with the sacrifice of their physical self. To discover the secrets of nature is, for these cultivators of the intellect, the highest cult that they know, as it is for the idolaters of the body, the satisfaction of the senses.

However, neither these nor those reached the true, profound and divine Self, knowing only the peripheral layers of their human nature; the false physical and mental self.

Now both the physical and mental self is essentially egocentric because they perceive nothing of the universal world, which generates altruism and love.

Non-human beings are also selfish; however, thanks to their different degrees of consciousness, their egoism is harmless, for it is limited to its nature, and according to the Cosmic Power's plans.

Intellectualized selfishness is practically unlimited.

The intellect is mighty and extends the scope of egolatry, but it is not vast enough to control this mental egoism by spiritual altruism.

For this reason, no humans who know only their physical-mental ego can cease to be selfish.

Selfishness, because it is the reverse of love, makes social coexistence impossible or makes it a constant war of all against all.

To maintain this inevitable social conflict within certain tolerable limits, different styles of “governments” have been created. But the imposed law compulsorily, besides been an uncertain and precarious expedient, enslave humans, forcing them to make under pressure what they would not spontaneously do.

The final result of all laws fulfilled through fear and coercion is the formation of a race of slaves and hypocrites; for, if in fear of sanctions I obey the law; I am reduced to a slave under the lash of a dictator.

But neither disobedience nor compulsory obedience purifies me - both leave me morally impure, even though obedience to the law makes me legally pure.

The only way to obey the law without being enslaved by it and becoming impure is to accept freely and spontaneously what the law imposes on me compulsorily.

--- But how can I spontaneously accept the content of the law?

Comprehending and loving the law as good and wholesome, for the true purpose of the law is not slavery, but freedom. If humanity lives in chaos with laws imposed by all governments, imagine how it would be without the impositions of laws!

However, no one can comprehend and love the law as good and wholesome without first discovering its true Self, its spiritual soul, divine.

The moral law never enslaves the soul, although it is sometimes painful to the body and mind.

“You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free”, said he who comprehended and loved the law as a guide to the highest.

To discover the soul is the most difficult of all discoveries - it is easier to undertake sidereal journeys in the vast Universe than to penetrate the mysterious core of the own Self.

Centrifugal journeys depend on physical and mental resources - but centripetal journeys suppose spiritual forces, which the vast majority of humans have not yet discovered or do not know how to use it properly.

The discovery and capture of these latent energies of the central, profound and divine Self is the result of long years, centuries and even millennia of intense and persistent discipline, for “narrow is the way and tight is the gate that leads to eternal life”.

Hence, the urgent need that man must have to seek, to purify himself, to free himself from the traditional illusion about the false physical-mental self, since it is an advocate of selfishness, which is an impurity, and the true Self, profound, spiritual and divine, it is a harbinger of altruism, of love, which is pure and perfect holiness! 

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