Tuesday, 29 December 2020


How many times, my friend, have you celebrated the December 25 liturgical Christmas each year with your family and friends, or in the midst of the crowd? 20, 30, 50 times in your life?

Was it a true Christmas - or was it just a pseudo-Christmas?

Was it a Christmas - or was it your Christmas?

Was it like a fire painted on canvas left in a forgotten corner of the museum - or was it a real fire, full of strength, light and warmth within yourself?

Christmas without inner renewal is only illusion and lie ...

What is the meaning of a Christmas where the mystics of the first commandment, in the ethical practice of the second, is not realized within each human being?

Jesus was born more than 2000 years ago in a cave in Bethlehem - but was he also born in the cave of your heart in the form of Christlike experience?

Even if for a thousand times Jesus could be born in Bethlehem - if He is not born within your heart, you have not met with yourself, and you are still lost ...

The Christmas tree you usually set up in your home is the unconscious symbol of your pseudo inner Christmas: a rootless tree, dying, bearing beautiful lifeless ornaments, inert, with lights that shine into nothingness - that is your spiritual life, like a soap bubble ... coloured on the outside and empty on the inside?

For how long do you still intend to “play Christmas” - without celebrating a true Christmas, a Christmas Day of that inner Christ, within you?

Why all this camouflage and insincerity before yourself?

Why not finally put a straight path in all the torturous things in your life?

Why not put an end to all this curvilinear politics and diplomacy of your selfishness and greed, and finally begin a straight line of absolute truth, honesty, charity and universal love?

When will you allow the Redeemer to blossom in you - Him, the Way, the Truth, and the Life?

You cannot imagine, my friend, what this profane Christmas of the liturgical year would be for you if from now on you celebrated the inner Christmas of your soul.

You cannot imagine what the grotto, the manger, the angels of heaven and the shepherds of the earth would say to you if the glorious symbolized in which these historical facts are a distant and a vague symbol that permeates your profanity, awakens!

You cannot imagine the light of comprehension if within you were born the Jesus of the Sermon on the Mount, the Jesus of your intimate experience, of your personal encounter with God.

If Jesus were to you, not just a profanely lived article of faith - but a stupendously intensely lived reality.

If Jesus lived in you if you were lived by Him, as Paul of Tarsus said, “It is no longer I who live, but the Christ who lives in me” - what an abundant life would be yours ...

You would not be so happy with yourself - and that exuberant happiness would overflow with love and benevolence towards all your fellow humans ...

Nature itself would receive a reflection of this overflow of love and happiness - and, like Francis of Assisi, drunk on love, you would count and sing the divine glories to stones and plants, birds and fish, the sun, the moon, and the stars ...

You would even invite “Sister Death” to sing praises to the Heavenly Father.

If you celebrated your inner Christmas, if that Soul of Love and Life were born in you and lived, your life would be a glorious resurrection - the angels of Easter and the angels of Bethlehem would sing together, hosanna and hallelujah, glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace for men, in a renewed life, in the Christlike man - even in the shadows of death.

Celebrate your true Christmas, my friend - and you will know what this Soul of Love and Life means to you and to all who receive it and live in it ...

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