Thursday 10 December 2020


Seek your happiness in making others happy.

Always think about giving - and never in receiving.

Give yourself to men to whom you may be a father, son, brother, friend, servant, Samaritan, redeemer.

Be like the blazing sun in the Universe, perennially radiating light and warmth, though it receives nothing in return.

There go, day by day, those rays of solar light, losing themselves in the vastness of the surrounding Cosmos, penetrating the immense cold of the vacuum ...

This great star has been consumed for billions of years in the vast solitude of the cosmic desert, never realizing the slightest effect of its constant irradiation.

The truth is that, at the distance of 150 million kilometres from its focus, there is a tiny planet on whose surface the sun's rays produce epics of life and beauty and draw fantastic bridges of seven colours in space - but the sun knows nothing, nothing sees, none of this feels nor guess …

Its loneliness is absolute ...

Therefore, my unknown friend fatally will happen to you, to me, to all of us who wants to do good for the sake of doing good ...  

“There is more happiness in giving than in receiving” ...

God, the great sun of the spiritual universe, gives everything and receives nothing.

The closer man comes to God, the more he shares in this happy unhappiness, of always giving without receiving.

Only can give without being bankrupt, a man who within his own Self has an inexhaustible source of wealth.

Make no mistake, my friend! You will be like a voice crying out in the wilderness ...

A voice that perhaps arouses no echo of friendship and comprehension in the silent desert of souls ...

Perhaps, no oasis of benevolence and love may appear on the horizon, no matter how your thirsty eyes question the endless monotony of the vastness of sand ...

However, continue to give men what you have and what you are - because it is divinely beautiful to give without hope of receiving.

Man! Lonely pilgrim of misunderstood love, exhausted in the desert of indifference and ingratitude, continue on your path ...

Even if you nothing notice of the effects of your radiation, somewhere, is certain, will spring flowers, birds will sing, eyes will bright, lips will smile, human hearts will rejoice - because you, nameless hero, exist! 

Living, praying, loving, suffering ...

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