Tuesday, 15 December 2020


In the instructions on what is related to the Catholic Church, which is the catechism, it is taught that there is only one true religion and that this is, normally, that of the author of these instructions, as it could not be otherwise.

If this catechism were written by a follower of another religion, it is clear that this would be the true and only religion and God would be invoked as the supreme head of this religious party.

If we investigate all the religious creeds of humanity - hundreds and thousands - we would find that there are as many true and unique religions as there are churches, sects or religious groups. It takes a great deal of ingenuity and spiritual myopia to admit that the God of the Cosmos has decided to place precisely on my religion the seal of approval of its authenticity and oneness, excluding from this approval the religions of all the other men of the world who are not in tune with my theology. The other religions are all “false” - why? Well, of course, because they are not my religion.

Of all existing forms of selfishness - individual, national, religious - religious selfishness is undoubtedly the most disastrous of all, because it is selfishness professed in the name of holiness, maintained and practised “for reasons of conscience” and in the name of this selfishness, the most dreadful crimes have been committed in all times and countries of the world.

As long as a religious idea is organized, it enters the zone of exclusivist egocentrism, because no organization can exist without certain statutes defining which individuals belong to “within the group” and which to “outside the group”. The “insiders” are then considered orthodox, the “outsiders” heterodox; those are proclaimed friends of God, these are warred as God's enemies - so great is our blindness and so intolerant is our selfishness!

In the face of this sad situation, Karl Marx (1818-1883) launched the short and, according to him, convincing slogan: “religion is the opium for the people!”, understanding by “religion” these human creations and ignoring the divine reality of Religion, which is part of human nature itself. The “human soul is Christlike by its very nature”, as Tertullian (160-220) stated in the second century.

Organized religious groups can exist and prosper only as long as they continue to profess this unilateral spirit; and if they renounce, they will cease to exist as churches or sects, as forms of religion A, B, or C, although they may continue to exist as Universal Religion, as Cosmic Spirituality, as Divine Experience, without name or form, barrier or flag. It turns out that this Universal, Cosmic, Divine existence does not please the human selfishness which has the instinctive need for individual property and can say “this is mine,” “I am from this church.” Unfortunately, spiritually immature man needs a circumscribed belief whose limits are clearly visible as the lines of a geometric figure. The spiritually mature man also has his creed, but it is like the vital principle of a plant, always identical, always true to itself, but not like the lines of the geometric figure. For the sectarian, belief is a dead letter - for the spiritual man, belief is a living spirit!

What, then, is the true religion?

It is one that helps man to find God, especially the kingdom of God within himself. Possibly, the external form of religion will go through various stages, such as man himself, child, adolescent, and mature. And we should regard all our stages of life as good because being a perennially evolving being, true life is not just a certain stage.

None and all religions are paths that seek to lead man to religiosity, for it is the feeling that drives us to recognize divinity regardless of particular worship. And religiosity is true because it leads man to the liberating truth, which is happiness. It is the mystical experience of God's unique fatherhood that overflows in the experience of the universal brotherhood of man.

This experience is possible in any religion and also without any religion, but it transcends all religions because, as Jesus said: “The kingdom of God does not come with observances (in the exact execution of certain rules, rituals, dogmas, traditions, norms, masses, services, etc.) nor can't even be said: It's here, or it's there! For the kingdom of God is within you.”

However, it is not enough to follow one religion, it is necessary to be religious.

This is religiosity, which is the only true religion.

Einstein wrote, “I have no religion, but I am a deeply religious man because I see a Supreme Power in all things of Nature.”

It is this religiosity that is the true and greatest religion.

--- Is it a revealed religion?

--- Yes, a religion revealed from within man, from within the kingdom of God, which is in man, as a hidden treasure, as a light under the candlestick, like a pearl under the sea ...

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