Friday, 4 December 2020


There is cosmic mathematics that works with absolute precision. The problem is finding and applying this science.

The words of Jesus, not indicated in the Gospel, but quoted by Paul of Tarsus, "There is more happiness in giving than in receiving" summarize this law of the Universe.

When a man comes to the point of not wanting to receive anything from the world and his fellows, but only giving, giving, giving – then, this true paradoxical phenomenon happens: the more man gives, the more he receives, and the less give, the less have.

In the context of man-ego, greedy and finite, the mathematics of giving implies losing - but in the context of the Infinite, the Creator, the Provider, where the Self rejoices, the mathematics of giving implies winning. In the case of the man-Self, giving occurs horizontally, but receiving comes vertically from the Infinite.

If a man gives something to the world or his fellows, only with the desire to receive from them, what he has given, or more, acts in a wrong way, although approved by the mathematics of the selfish; for to give to others to receive is pure sterilizing and destructive selfishness, since sooner or later this selfish will suffer the negative impact of his false action, for no one will be able to deceive Cosmic Laws.

For a man to truly give, to give with 100% of purity and sincerity, he must give unconditionally, renouncing any desire to receive something in return, from the world or men - even if it is praise, applause, recognition, gratitude, or the grateful hope of mirroring the tangible results of his works. This is all impurity, disguise, camouflage, insincerity, anti-cosmic sinfulness - and the Cosmic Laws do not cooperate with any anti-cosmic action.

And this is precisely where the problem lies: to give with 100% of purity and disinterest!

This attitude of absolute personal disinterest means omnipotence because when the ego channels are really clear and pure, it is mathematically certain that the living waters of eternal life flow spontaneously through them, realizing in man all things previously impossible.

Francis of Assisi, Don Bosco, Mahatma Gandhi, Albert Schweitzer and many others - not to mention Jesus himself - are proof of this truth.

But how can someone give all the time and never declare insolvency?

It is that this horizontal giving of human finite corresponds to a vertical receiving from the Infinite Provider, and since the Infinite is not the total of finite, it never runs out or diminishes with the proliferation of finite. Cosmic mathematics ensures that the horizontal donor is an inexhaustible vertical recipient; the more freely man gives, bestows, distributes to his fellows, the more abundantly he receives from the Creator, and since the receiving is from the Infinite to the finite, whereas the giving is from the finite to his fellow beings, it is logical that this donor is a receiving millionaire; it receives in quality and distributes in quantity, and since the total of quantities does not affect quality, it is certain that this donor to men is the receiver of the Provider, invariably a great possessor, a qualitative millionaire.

To think that receiving from the Provider is selfishness is absurd. The donor does not give in quantity to receive in quality; gives unconditionally; but there is an inexorable cosmic law that fills those who empty themselves in quantity with quality and this law works unfailingly, whether the man knows it or not. No one can be really good without being enriched.

And this spiritual enrichment can manifest itself on the material level, where the millionaire of divine goods also become a millionaire of material goods - but this only happens as an accessory or overflow, of a purpose that may be beyond our understanding. This material enrichment is not a necessary effect of spiritual wealth, as certain modern pragmatic philosophies think; it's just a kind of casual shadow that goes with the light.

If one tried to be spiritually rich to become materially prosperous, one would act against the spirit of cosmic mathematics by subordinating the spiritual end to material means; this would not be "seeking first the kingdom of God and its righteousness" but secondly; and therefore "other things" would not be added to it; these "other things" run only after the one who does not run after them.

Liberation from any kind of slavery is the necessary and indispensable requirement for the cosmic mathematics of the Universe to function to its plenitude.

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