Saturday, 5 December 2020


The only path to redemption is in the definitive liberation of all the shackles that bind the man to his tyrannical ego.

This liberation is revealed as security, peace, joy and deep happiness.

Our unhappiness comes ultimately from an enslaving illusion; someone hurt me ... Someone did an injustice against me ... Someone treated me with ingratitude ...

Sometimes this someone is impersonal; our unhappiness does not always originate in conscious human wickedness, but in unconscious adversity of nature that surrounds us. Something unpleasant happened to me - and that's why I am unhappy ...

As long as I continue to live in this illusion, I am not redeemed from my miseries, I am not happy.

Only the truth can set me free ... Any illusion enslaves me.

The great illusion lies in the traditional identification of my ego with my Self, in the disastrous confusion of what I have with what I am; I confuse what my ego has with the being of my Self. My ego is allergic to the impact of external circumstances, the perversities of men, and the adversities of nature - but my Self is absolutely immune and invulnerable to it. I can suffer all adversity and perversity - yet be deeply happy. On the other hand, I can enjoy all the benefits of my possessions and be internally unhappy.

No one except myself can harm my inmost being, which is my eternal Self, the individualization of the Infinite - everyone can harm externally to my ego, but my Self is completely invulnerable externally, although vulnerable from within.

“What from outside comes into man, does not contaminate him, but what comes from inside man...”

My external acting is terribly allergic.

My inner being is gloriously immune.

Once this definitive certainty is acquired, the man enters an area of unspeakable tranquillity and bliss.

Nothing and no one else makes him unhappy, although everyone and everything can make him suffer.

Nothing and no one makes him happy, even though everything and everyone can give him joy.

It is enough for man to transform his ego-centeredness into Self-centeredness, Theo-centeredness, Cosmo-centeredness - and he will be happy because the fundamental problem of his life is solved. And the solution to this fundamental problem makes it possible to solve all the other problems or pseudo-problems of his existence.

Ego-awareness is our unhappiness.

The cosmos consciousness is our happiness.

Eliminate your ego, man! Become cosmic like - and you will be happy!

The first step towards this cosmic like reality is the ethics of the second commandment: “love your fellow man as yourself”; the last is the mystics of the first commandment: “love God with all your heart ...”

Egocentrism is a legacy of our infrahuman stage, which intensified with the advent of intelligence. Every living being is necessarily egocentric, although this ego does not manifest itself mentally conscious, for each has vital egocentrism, which is the law of conservation of the individual.

The ego-centeredness of nonhuman beings is not dangerous, because it is circumscribed to the instinct of their natures, for they do not intentionally, or consciously, produce evil, and therefore cannot go beyond their circumstances.

It is only man's conscious self-centeredness that is dangerous, which can go beyond all limits and can cause a hecatomb, until it is controlled by a superior force, by the universalism of spiritual reason. Only when the man enters the super-conscious zone of the rationality of his universal Self does he counterbalance the devastating excesses of his personal ego and establish the great balance of universal harmony.

It is only at this level of consciousness, that his life is flooded with a dynamic peace that no profane and selfish man can savour.

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