Friday, 4 December 2020


No philosophy can be considered valid if it does not conform to the UNIVERSE's directives - that is, one in several, unity with the plurality, one cause revealed in many effects.

And this refers to both the sidereal macrocosm and the human microcosm.

There is no monocentric circle in the Universe - there are only bicentric ellipses.

The word UNIVERSE is elliptical and gravitates around two poles, the uni and the verse, the single cause with multiple effects.

Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Kant, Spinoza, Hegel, Bergson, Hermes, Buddha, the Kybalion, the Vedas, the Bhagavad Gita; the empirical, metaphysical, rationalist, idealist, existentialist schools can all be accepted as branches of the Philosophy of the Universe, or Cosmic, but cannot serve as its foundation. In it, there is only one motto and one guiding pattern: the UNIVERSE.

This is undoubtedly the most beautiful word in the Latin language. Only a genius could create such a word. Even the Hellenes, with the word Kosmos, did not reach the genius of the word “UNIVERSE”.

Unity without diversity is monotony.

Diversity without unity is chaos.

Unity with diversity is harmony.

The universe, whether of the outer world or the world of a man symbolizes harmony.

Out of harmony there is no philosophy. Harmony is equidistant from monotony and chaos.

Within man this harmony is called self-realization whose manifestation is the Cosmic Man who once materialized on planet Earth in the person of Jesus.

The Cosmic Man invariably gravitates around two centres: the mystics of the first commandment revealed in the ethics of the second one, that is, the divine root of self-knowledge, producing the human fruit of self-realization, a principle that will one day be recognized as the essential truth of all religions and accepted worldwide, for the true purpose of religion, regardless of its various dogmas and creeds, is union with God, the eternal Self that pervades the entire Universe.

The Cosmic Man is essentially bipolar, elliptical, as is the sidereal cosmos. If a man lived only in the experience of vertical mystics, or only of horizontal ethics, he would end up in silent monotony or noisy chaos. But the Cosmic Man is vertical-horizontal, internal-external, mystical-ethical, solitary with the God of the world and in solidarity with the world of God; and for this reason, he is supreme harmony, full of grace and truth, “hard as a diamond but delicate as a peach blossom.”

The Philosophy of the Universe, or Cosmic is like integral light, colourless in its origin, and multicolour in its various effects.

Thus, the invisible and colourless Self, hidden by the tyrannies of the ego, must show itself in the visible, multi-coloured egos.

Both the Gospel and the Bhagavad Gita, which demonstrate the essential oneness of the truths of both religions underscore this passive-active character of man, the inner force that reveals itself in the external activity.

In the direct reason in which man perceives his inner unity, the more he feels impelled to external pluralities, in the certainty, that these pluralities do not destroy but intensify his internal unity. And this growing power of internal unity increasingly frees him from his external limitations.

The tragic fate of existence and action caused by the separatist ego and neutralized by the very existence and action of the unifying Self; the integral individual, of the undivided Self redeems man from his divided mask; the Self reconnects what the ego disconnected - and this is religion, yoga, redemption.

This tragic fate is not the existence or the action itself - tragic is only to exist and act selfishly, with ulterior motives, aimed at objects, fruits and external results. The existential ego tragedy is abolished by the joyous activity of the Self, which works hard but renounces the fruits of its labour. Who works for the love of objects, sins, creates karma, debt, tragedy - but who works with love for the perfection of its own divine Self, the human soul, this one redeems itself from the karmic debt through its own activity. The Luciferlike ego is redeemed by the Christlike Self.

“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world (objects) if he will suffer losses in his own soul (subject)?”

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