Wednesday 9 December 2020


Once there appeared a man among millions of earthly inhabitants ...

And this man has become the centre of mankind history.

He made no discoveries or inventions and did not defeat armies or wrote books - this singular man.

He did nothing of what to other men guarantee immortality - the greatest thing about him was himself only ...

By the year of his birth date all the chronology of cultured people.

This man had excellent gifts of intelligence - and infinite tenderness of heart.

His life was summarized in a saga of Divine power - and a poem of human love.

There was in this man's life a homeland and a family - but also exile and loneliness.

There where innocents with a smile in their lips - and sufferers with tears in their eyes.

- There were apostles - and apostates ...

Played on the paths of this man the most beautiful of springs - and at the end of his short pilgrimage, the most infamous of deaths.

This man lived in the world - but he was not of this world ...

When he arrived, "there was no place in the inn" - and when he left, there was only a place on a cross between heaven and earth.

This man didn't beg for love - but all good souls loved him ...

Friend of silence and solitude he was - but he could not escape the turmoil of society, because "everyone was looking for him" ...

Irresistible was the fascination of his personality - incredible was the power of his words ...

Everyone felt the enveloping mystery of his presence - but no one knew how to define this strange magnetism ...

It was a bright darkness - this man ...

He did not flatter any powerful man of his time, nor did he despise any wretches.

His character was transparent as a crystal - yet he is the greatest mystery of all centuries ...

No poet has ever reached his sublime height - no philosopher has exhausted his depths ...

This man did not reject Magdalene and did not cast stones - but he threw to the penitents’ words of forgiveness and life ...

He did not abandon stray sheep’s or prodigal sons - but encircled them in his arms and took those in his shoulders ...

This man did not argue - simply spoke ...

He did not fragment words nor count syllables and letters, like the rabbis of his time - but opened up vast perspectives of truth and bliss ...

The men, happy and gaping, exclaimed: "No one ever spoke like this man!" ...

For him, the grave was not the final journey - but the cradle for true life ...

That is why many of the best men love him - because they worship the integral man in him!


"Jesus will never be surpassed ... All ages will proclaim that among the children of the Creator there was never one greater than Jesus. Rest now in your glory, noble initiator! Your work was finished in your time and your divinity founded. Do not fear to see the building of your efforts collapse by mistake; you will become the cornerstone of humanity in such a way that to tear your name from this world would be to shake the foundations of it." Joseph Ernest Renan 

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