Wednesday, 13 January 2021


 …except through the anointing of the spirit of God dwelling in man.


The different churches, from their inception to the present day, have never had the ability to unite humanity. And the proof of this statement is war, which still plagues entire communities and countries in this constant belligerence among men; and wars even within the churches themselves, which are the result of divergent opinions about the interpretations given to divine revelation. All of them, without exception, live in intrigue, including death, for all divine revelation is defiled when it lands in profane hands.

The word religion derives from the Latin word "Religio" which has meaning influenced by the verb "Religare", to connect, to cling to something concrete or abstract. In the abstract sense, it refers to the supernatural or divinity, mystics, faith in something supposedly intangible and that needs no scientific demonstration. But since ancient times, it is a word that is divorced from the soul of what is the true religion, which is to be in tune with the creative power, the union with the Infinite, the overflow of the mystical experience into an ethical living, that is, the belief in God and harmony among men. Therefore, within this true religion, there is no war but perfect harmony.

If Abraham was the father of the three best-known creeds, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, the spiritually conscious man is the prodigal son who works for the religious unity of all men, whose main task must be to establish the great peace treaty within themselves in the exercise of comprehension and understanding among all creeds.

And one of the examples that created and still create animosity among churches is the interpretation given to Jesus' observation that: "No one comes to the Father except through me", because when taken in the usual sense, it dispels humanity, creating sectarian hatred and wars of religion, for every creed is judged to be the owner of the truth!

However, it is not up to Jesus, the inspirer of these words, to blame these evils, but to the misinterpretation of those who claim to be his disciples, without possessing the spirit of this great enlightened one, for all evil is in the confusion between two distinct elements: Jesus and Christ.

The divine Logos, or Word, united with the human Jesus, but this union did not obliterate the distinction between the two elements, divine and human. The eternal Logos, after joining with Jesus, is called the "Anointed One", or in Greek, "Christós".

No one goes to the Father except through the anointing (chrisma, which is the sacrament of confirmation) of God's spirit. Our human nature must be so penetrated and permeated by the spirit of God that we can say with Jesus, "I and the Father are one." And this is what the true redemption and the salvation of man consist of the realization of the Christ within oneself.

Professor Huberto Rohden, the brilliant inspirer of these writings, was for many years a disciple of an Eastern spiritual master - who was a disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda – and said that he never heard from Christian lips greater apotheoses to Christ than from the lips of this Hindu. In philosophy classes and liturgical functions, he spoke only of Christ and the volume of 101 prayers he composed spoke only of Christ as the only way to communion with God. No strangeness caused Rohden, this essentially Christian attitude of this Brahmin, for he knew that by the word "Christ" he did not refer to any human individual, founder of any religion or church: he did not refer to Jesus, but to the eternal Logos, the spirit of God that is spoken of in the Fourth Gospel, the eternal, absolute, Infinite spirit that became flesh and dwelt in the human person of Jesus - and continues to dwell - in us: "I am with you every day until the consummation of the centuries", "Where two or three have been gathered together in my name, there I am among them."

At no time in human history has the divine Logos ceased to dwell in man, but it does not always find a receptive and pure human vehicle to manifest with such splendour as it did in the person of Jesus, "full of grace and truth." However, the divine Logos also became incarnate in the person of Moses, Isaiah, Job, Krishna, Buddha, Zarathustra, Muhammad, and other human vehicles.

When a light is placed under an opaque container, nothing is noticeable from that light even though it is present. And if it is placed in a less opaque container, this presence is perceived indirectly. But if this same light is placed in a transparent container, that light is seen with all its intensity.

In the person of Jesus, the divine Logos has found the most perfect human expression ever known on Earth, and therefore the Christ is worshipped in Jesus as the apogee of the revelations of the Divinity.

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