Tuesday 12 January 2021


The text below, originally written in Spanish, was produced by José Hernán Fandiño (24/08/1952 - 28/09/2020), professor, PhD in Biology and Zoology, philosopher and spiritualist, born in Bogotá, Colombia.

Scholar and assiduous reader of Huberto Rohden's writings, he started on social networks in 2011, a blog to expand human consciousness in search of a gradual and profound spiritual evolution, from where he began to publish his comments and reflections on the Brazilian author, clarifying him in so many contradictions, dogmas, errors and interpretations found in the versions of the Gospels elaborated by the Catholic Church in particular, where he could comprehend the Christ message in all its purity and transcendence, giving the motivation to live it and spread it to many followers in their desire for spiritual evolution and thus, to project light amidst so much unconsciousness and obscurantism.

At the same time, he makes contacts with the writings of the spiritualist philosophy of Eckhart Tolle and Emilio Carrillo, which has decisively helped to make, metaphorically, “a quantum leap” to achieve a better comprehension of the transcendental message of Rohden's Christian position.

Thus, through social media, he began to translate Rohden's writings into Spanish and to make the Spanish subtitles of Tolle's teachings on video. And concerning this great loss in the world of spiritualist thinkers below is one of his writings, thus perpetuating a legacy that cannot be forgotten, especially now that he is free to inspire us and keep the lit flame that he knew how to light up.

Fortunately, for those who want to continue on a pilgrimage through the paths of knowledge and to meet their inner Christ, they will have their entrance guaranteed by the sending of more material that will be kindly provided by María Patricia Mariño Leongómez.

“The ego represents the image of a puppet created by ourselves, which the mind has developed and with which we completely identify. As the multipolar mind does not fail to label and set limits on everything; what I am, what we are, it also decides and defines.

And there are reasons for that. Everything was elaborated by the mind, especially the ego so that it performs many functions, and among them, that of taking care of our earthly survival.

All the importance we attach to the ego has its raison d'être because it is like an instrument that we use during our pilgrimage on this earthly level and for that, we owe its recognition.

However, when it comes to the reason for being alive, the meaning of our lives, neither the ego nor the mind knows or understand anything!

And this is the approach of this theme, in front of a puppet, represented by our tyrannical ego, that one day will be consumed by the flames of the Divine Self. It is the manifestation of the ego through its thoughts, its intrusive participation in everything, believing that it is up to it to decide, it is what it is intended to incinerate.

This ego intrusion is a mistake, an illusion that we submit to all the time because the ego believes that, to be good, it must perform good deeds.

“Actions speak louder than words” ... the saying goes, meaning that true love is expressed in actions and not just in words, however well-grounded or intended, and, apparently, very convenient to the image of kindness that the ego seeks to show itself. However, the real “good” is not an observable fact that can be verified externally, because nothing is out of harmony; the Universe of which our world participates rotates and expands as it should, although apparently, we do not see it that way.

In other words, neither good nor evil exists; goodness and evil are relative concepts, for the mind judges and applies at its convenience. The rest is mental journeys. This “good” that is not observed, is a way of referring to the evolutionary state that the human spirit must achieve. In a way of being that effectively makes us feel attuned and fulfilled in existence, as opposed to frustrated, dissatisfied, when nothing seems to make sense because everything seems to be unbalanced in life.

As long as it is the ego that performs its so-called good works, it is only changing the external shape of things. However, it is not the external form that needs a change, it is not in this form that a spiritual advance is processed, but in essence; the change is internal in the consciousness of the existence of a Divine Being in each one, and only this fact can favour the awakening of other consciences. It is not a change in the earthly needs of men, because those same needs work in favour of awakening because if we change this condition, we would be going against evolution and eliminating valuable allies of the cosmic purpose because the need and suffering itself, are factors of internal transformation. 1

Every human being lives the life according to its decisions, its free will. However, that does not prevent us from being supportive, but we must be vigilant not to do it motivated by the ego that makes us believe that we will be better! Whatever we do must come from a deep feeling, from an attentive and silent perception that we learn to recognize as something harmoniously cosmic. The word goodness and evil are relative terms that the mind judges and applies according to its convenience.

The Universe, the existing one, is in constant transformation. An evolutionary process is underway. Why? To where? These are questions that the mind keeps asking because it wants to explain everything, but this is useless; only the ordinary things that are within our reach have, to some extent, an explanation within the context of what happens in the material world, and nothing more! And that is exactly where the mental function ends.

Returning to the evolutionary process that we observe (which is not an idea of the mind, but a finding), the Universe is driven by an intrinsic force which applies to all living beings. This force is not chaotic, but something that is elaborated in an orderly manner, within dynamically complex patterns and remaining in harmony. We observe this from the microcosmic to the macrocosmic point of view. And when a movement loses its harmonic relationship, out of tune, it is no longer protected by the whole and, therefore, “isolated”, it dissolves because it has lost its connection with the intrinsic force that originally drove it, that is, the same force that unifies and takes the entire Universe wherever it is projecting.

Thus, if we place ourselves at the level of our human existence, two processes may occur: either we are attuned to this universal movement with which our individuality is integrated and subsists, or we move away from the moment that corresponds to us in this harmony. And choosing the second option is to be destined to a form of eternal solitude, or disintegration.

And this is the fundamental misunderstanding of the ego that insists on remaining independent, autonomous and free to follow its wishes, and forgets that it is a puppet that is part of a universal gear, far from which it cannot survive if it insists on remaining isolated. Something that the ego does not forget and lives attentively is that it understands being part of a social mechanism because it decides to take shelter under the society that accepts it as a necessity, surrendering itself to the misfortune of the brief destiny that is reserved for it.

For the satisfaction of living to be profound and lasting, the change or the necessary step to be taken occurs only with the awakening of consciousness, which is inner work. It is not by producing external deeds, relieving or saving lives at the level of physical life on this planet, but by awakening one's own consciousness that others can awaken. Thus, life (which is the same in all) will follow its evolution going far beyond earthly experience. 2

We forget that suffering and death is in favour of this awakening. It is very gratifying to be able to relieve the pain of those who suffer, however, we may be inadvertently prolonging the unhappiness of our fellows, while we are postponing their awakening! And this is only achieved through our own awakening, regardless of the external action we propose to perform. For it is not my external action on others that produce a change; it is the attention brought into me, to my own transformation that gives off a new vital vibration (because it doesn’t come from the ego!), and that vibration is one that can be tuned in by others, as long as they want to receive it, inducing them to that opportunity which frees them from suffering.

It is of utmost importance to evaluate the behaviour of this puppet, which is our burning ego, to commit ourselves and to definitely want the fire to incinerate any thought that intrudes into it, freeing it from its influence. The importance of focusing on the Life force that pulsates in man; a force that makes us breathe, keeps all our organs working and in perfect sync, allowing us to want things, to move, to act, to make decisions, to try everything we feel and that is up to Life itself, and that we do it for it. What throbs and breathes is truly like a puppet doll, within which the consciousness that I am, sees everything, even the puppet itself, its feelings and reactions, and that the mind itself is also observed!

This experience of placing the observer (the consciousness of the divine Being who observes without giving opinions) impels us to access the field of our eternal reality, where we have nothing, where we do not act or think, where only the presence of this consciousness exists! This fact, then, allows the ego to decipher this vision in a knowledge that shows the place, we must occupy in the world.

When that presence manifests, we enjoy the silent and benevolent attitude that surrounds everything; we experience the integration with the Being that vibrates throughout the Universe, this intoxicating feeling of the eternal, here and now, where we discover the true meaning of love that permeates the existence of all beings.

Silence for many may be an absence and emptiness, but for those who awaken to the essential and divine Self, it is presence and plenitude.

When the mind reaches the stillness state, it is when we give room to the Cosmos so that it will manifest itself; then we know where we belong, whether something should be said or if any action is needed. It is a subtle feeling, almost imperceptible to the beginner, which fits perfectly into the gear of the future that the Cosmos has prepared for those who exercise their mind and silence.

This awareness takes place without the mind having any participation, because it arose from silence, from what is absolute harmony. Only in the wake of this profound inner event is the mind accepted to convert this knowledge into concrete actions with humanity.

The mind has extraordinary powers, in such a way that it has taken full control of our existence, and we have become what it has shaped us. This is the most formidable obstacle we face in the process of awakening because the mind understands that it and consciousness are the same reality.

This requires attention if we are to take the significant step that the Cosmos is waiting for. Getting the mind to accept that it must be relegated to a lower plane and intervening only when its participation is necessary, is a colossal, almost impossible, but fundamental, indispensable feat, because otherwise, it becomes an obstacle in the evolution of existence. In biblical terms, the mind is Lucifer, the one who carries the light, but who is not the light. And therein lies the greatest challenge, the most important goal of humanity. As an example, perhaps the following can be said, according to Shakespeare's well-known expression: to be or not to be the mind!

In reality, it is in silence that existence’s opportunity arises not to be an illusion, where the ego moves away in respect for what it cannot understand, but which will give it a meaning, which was previously uncertain and inconsequential.

While the flames are burning, let us silence the mind.

This awareness of the essential and divine Self, this fire that transforms everything, incinerates everything, will now serve to consume every arising thought, no matter what now appears or will appear. It doesn't matter, the flames will consume them all, one by one, until the last.

Our true experience is that of inner silence; it is where peace dwells. The thought is not necessary because it serves only to solve the mundane problems of life, and in life, we do not solve anything. In it, we appreciate and witness the air that invades us by offering to exist, that throb in ecstasy in our consciousness. 3

No words are needed to live this awareness ...

For we are much more than this egoic puppet we have built to prove our earthly existence; we are an endless dimension that points to the flames transporting us to incorporeality. Flames which assist us with its power to incinerate every thought that arises, that becomes smoke, dissolving and disappearing into nothing.

The Essential and Divine Being integrates us all into the unity of love, which need not be thought about ... much less declared, but lived in all Its fullness.

Translator's notes:

1- As paradoxical as it may seem, the Universe in harmony, always conspires in favour of man. The Universe is not dead, but alive, it is not evil, but benevolent, it is not an empty shell, but the gigantic body of a Great Mind. Happiness and unhappiness are relative concepts; one can be happy in the most adverse circumstances. Both suffering and joy are factors of awakening, for the man who wants to evolve spiritually. It is enough to become aware of the existential question (Who Am I?), and not to be overwhelmed by difficult circumstances, as these are the ones that show the direction of the way forward.

2- Spiritual teachers insist that we must always love, but that we do not allow conflicting relationships under the pretext that we have the mission to save the other because no one has the ability to make happy the one who refuses that happiness.

3- Not to resist the conditions that life imposes is to remain in a state of grace, relaxation, silence and lightness. That state no longer depends on things happening in a certain way, good or bad. Rather, man must guess and feel, as if through empathy, what this experience of the Universe's soul is, which is his own soul.


Particularly to María Patricia Mariño Leongómez, affectionately nicknamed Dulcinea, wife and friend who together, in the same ideal and in a deep spiritual affinity, riding the humble and hard-working Rocinante will continue with the Quixote Hernán fighting against the windmills of life: the invisible forces of the tyrannical ego. Today, Quixote walked ahead ... and from there, preparing warmth for every Quixote and Dulcinea approaching the abodes of heaven. For Dulcinea, Quixote: “was and will continue to be my teacher and guide, on the path of spiritual growth, which at the moment seems to me sad and sombre, due to his physical absence, but with the fullness and peace that he cultivated in my heart”.

P.S. Rocinante is happy and rested, savouring the most tender and succulent forages and cereals. And in the late afternoon, for dessert, a love apple!

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