Thursday 14 January 2021


The reason in man is his direct affinity with the Logos, the Infinite, or the rational principle that governs and develops his universe - it is not his intellect or the manifestation of his ego. Truly rational man, has all the truth about himself, about the world and about God.

There are still in force two aspects to this question that do not allow the man to see the plenitude of Truth. Many live exclusively for the material life of the senses and intellect as if they lived on bread alone. A smaller part runs away from life and tries to live exclusively for what they call the life of the spirit. These two behaviours seduce man, and all seduction, whether to the left or right, is disastrous and leads man into misfortune. Materialists try to transform man into a soulless body while spiritualists try to reduce man to a bodiless soul. However, man is neither a corpse nor a ghost, he is a synthesis of body and soul. To find this synthesis and to live it practically, is the secret of happiness, and it was for this purpose that many spiritual masters descended from the heavenly abodes of the Cosmos to spread their messages of wisdom.

A descend for those masters were never a journey without troubles. To manifest at this low level of spiritual vibration where the vast majority of humans still live, required unparalleled sacrifices, including compulsory death.

When a man begins to live this great synthesis; the challenge of bonding experience between body and soul - which is the third aspect of his existence - when the spirit illuminates, permeates and vivifies all the material things of life, the man begins to live the plenitude of his existence and comprehends what one of these masters meant by the words: "I came that men might have life, and have it with the greatest abundance."

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