Friday 15 January 2021


The spiritual fraternity can only prevail without conflict among the ecclesiastics if the churches, sects, cults, creeds, etc. had no other purpose than the genuinely spiritual progress of their members. But as long as any religious congregation seeks to gain any kind of power or advantage: political, economic, social, financial, military, to judge their religion as the ultimate revelation, or to attempt to impose their faith by intimidation or violence, conflicts begin. Faith cannot be imposed. It will never avenge an imposed faith, for it is a mysterious spiritual contact with the Creator's world; an intimate experience, an inner experience, an attunement. It is not theoretical; it is not found in books ... faith is intimately matured and spontaneously springs up in man's consciousness.

The first step towards the peaceful cooperation of all religions would be the abolition of the priesthood or ministry as a profession or a means of living, which makes this activity a for-profit enterprise whose leaders live in abundance at the expense of their devotees, far from the instructions of the great masters who inspired them.

According to the ideas and ideals of Jesus - rarely respected by the Christian churches - and according to the practice of his great disciple Paul of Tarsus - ministerial or priestly functions should be entirely free, and church servants should have other sources of subsistence.

But since no one likes to starve, the priesthood proves with highly theological arguments that the emptiness of their stomachs is a heresy incompatible with the spirit of Jesus, although they do not have the courage and sincerity to frankly confess openly this to themselves or others. And the same applies to all other religious creeds.

With this, we can conclude that the spiritual harmony of humanity begins with the stomach emancipation of the religious leaders.

Any religion aiming at the spiritual growth of its followers - in the genuine and pure ideal of the mystical experience of love for the Creator and the ethical experience with their fellow men - thus forming a circle of human beings twinned in adversity, the door is open to the spiritual harmony and the universal brotherhood of humanity.

There can be no solid structure of ethical, social and political life that lays no foundation on an absolute, eternal, divine basis, the base which is not the object of intellectual understanding but spiritual intuition.

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