Monday 4 January 2021


To possess God?

Having direct experience of God here on Earth ...

This is the eternal longing of every spiritually evolved man.

But ... is this possible?

Isn't that a beautiful utopia?

A fantastic mirage in the desert?

A delicious emotionalism of my desires?

Time passed and finally, I was disappointed by this dear old illusion;

To be able to possess God in the present life.

No, I can't possess God ...

Nevertheless, God can possess me!

Assuming I allow that possibility to happen.

And when will I be Theo-possessed?

I will only be Theo-possessed if I make myself totally dispossessed of my ego.

If I strip myself of everything I have, as Jesus said:

“He who does not renounce all he has cannot be my disciple.”

Not in properly material terms, for He Himself said of wanting to see us living in abundance ...

But in terms of ego, our greatest enemy in spiritual pilgrimage.

He who does not dispossess himself cannot be possessed by God!

And without that, there is no experience of God.

Getting rid of the ego is an open door through which God can enter.

What should I dispossess of?

They are not, in the first place, material objects surrounding me;

They are, above all, the mental and emotional possessions within me.

Because material possessions are the quintessence of my mental and emotional ego.

My ego is not material, it is mental and emotional.

And how can I dispose of the possessions of which I am possessed?

Only by the ultimate death of my ego ...

And am I willing to do this?

If I say yes, isn't this a new illusion, besides so many others?

No, I won't say yes, I won't say no - I won't say anything.

I already know that everything that I say and do is an illusion of my tyrannical ego.

Instead of saying or doing something, I will simply live and be the truth of the ego's death which will redeem me.

I will not feed my ego - and it will starve to death.

And then, after this voluntary death of my ego, God can take me in His arms.

And take me to a faraway, unknown island ...

To an island never seen, never dreamed ...

And give birth to someone other than my tyrannical ego ... a new creature in Christ!

Unique ...

Nobody's ever heard ...

It can happen to me, only if I allow the death of my ego ...

Which is the prelude to being God-possessed!

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