Tuesday 5 January 2021


Not all men know what goes behind the invisible stages extending beyond the visible scenery of this world. Many only see the material actors in the millennial drama of Christ and the Antichrist who inspire human actors.

In the setting of human history, Christ the Anointed is represented by the spiritual Self, or Soul of man, whom Jesus calls the Father in Us, the Light of the World, the Christ Within, the Kingdom of God, the Hidden Treasure, the Precious Pearl, Living Water. The Antichrist appears in the form of the material-mental-emotional ego, which assumes thousands of characters and personalities.

These two potencies of the Universe, the Christlike Self and the antichrist ego act in two opposite dimensions: the antichrist only knows "the kingdoms of the world and its glory" and promises to give them in reward to his worshipers and servants, because they are his, creation of the prince of this world, which is the Power of Darkness.

The Christ, however, states that "my kingdom is not of this world," which is not of the character of this world, which "lies in the evil one," of an earthly world that is "dominated by the Prince of Darkness."

Since this world is ruled by the antichrist, as he himself claims and which Jesus confirms, it is not surprising that the prince of this world does not tolerate in his domain an intruder such as Christ, whose kingdom is not of this world, even though he is in the world; It is normal for the antichrist to regard Christ as undesirable, subversive, and to fight against him, openly or covertly, according to the strategy that seems most effective to him.

In the early days, open and violent hostility prevailed; later hypocritical betrayal became a declared struggle; today, a third antichrist's strategy against the Christ predominates, i.e, the clever attempt to degrade the Christ at the level of Christians or pseudo-Christians. The tendency today is to make Christ in the image and the likeness of Christians, as they do not have the courage to rise to the heights of the real and true Christ. Bringing Christ down to the level of humans is much more in keeping with the ease and less effort of those who do not want to rise to the heights of Christ. In books, movies, and theatres, from the top of the university chairs and pulpits of churches, a profane pseudo-Christ is proclaimed, a horrifying caricature of the Christ of the Gospel and reality.

And the most repugnant thing is that it is precisely priests and pastors of Christian churches who preferentially promote this misrepresentation of the Christ.

Violence, betrayal, misrepresentation - these are the favourite weapons with which the antichrist fights against the intrusion of Christ into his earthly realms.

Apparently, Christ is always defeated by the antichrist, always crucified, dead and buried, descends to hell - but Christ always rises, even though the tomb is sealed and guarded by his enemies. It is forbidden to rise - but he always rises ... His true friends always find him glorious, everywhere, always.

The millennial drama of Christ and the antichrist continues, and every man accompanies either this or that group by his way of thinking, speaking, and living - and even more so, by his way of being.

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