Wednesday 13 January 2021


The vast majority of humans still cannot comprehend the truth of God's immanence - of his constant and permanent presence in the Universe - and the immanence of Christ in man. The God that is beyond this world and also in the world, and the Christ who was and still is in Jesus is also in each one of us since he "is the true light that enlightens every man that cometh into this world." The indwelling Christ is the external Christ, as well as the immanent God, is the transcendent God.

The comprehension of this truth implies remarkable spiritual maturity, which not all men have yet.

The visible forms of the invisible God follow one another in time and space covering various degrees of perfection or imperfection, depending on the greater or lesser degrees of responsiveness of the human vehicle. But the eternal spirit of God hovers above these multiple and multiform vicissitudes - like the waves on the sea surface succeeding in many ways without the ocean cease to be always the same, as well as the universal life of the Cosmos materializes and makes visible incessantly in thousands and millions of individual living organisms, without increasing or decreasing the Life itself.

On the eve of his death, Jesus, the Christ of 2000 years ago, says to the Eternal Father: "Glorify me with the glory which I had with Thee before the world was created!"

Who had this glory before the creation of the world?

Certainly not the human Jesus, who does not exist yet but the divine Christ who was with God, and become incarnated as the son of Mary.

"No one comes to the Father except through me". Abraham, Moses, David, and many others went to the Father through Christ long before this Christ had revealed in the human person of Jesus. The redemption comes from Christ. "I know that my Redeemer liveth!" - Exclaims Job, in the midst of suffering, professing faith in Christ the Redeemer, millennia before the birth of Jesus.

Our traditional Western dualism - the doctrine that there are two independent beings or eternal principles – opposes barrier to the evolution of this consciousness in our inner Christ, immanent. To most Christians, Christ is that man who 2000 years ago, lived in distant lands, and in which we must believe, without ever being able to experience him here on Earth, like Paul of Tarsus who did live him when he exclaimed: "it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me!"

It would be unconvincing to suppose that Paul believed that the human person of Jesus had taken possession of him, so that in him there was a double personality, one named Paul and the other named Jesus. What the apostle meant was that in him awakened the Christ who had been dormant for so many years, the same Christ who in Jesus was gloriously dynamic.

It is, therefore, necessary that every man who wants to go to the Father, awake in himself the Christ and make him the ruler of his life, because all those “who receive him, he gives them the power to become children of God".

"No one comes to the Father except through the awakening of one’s inner Christ."

Only the spiritually immature man can think that any church can redeem him. Jesus came to bring the Christ message, worked miracles, transformed consciences, but did not redeem anyone. He redeemed himself. No one achieves redemption - the kingdom of heaven - unless born again by the spirit, which means: I redeem myself through the Christ who dwells in me.

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