Monday 4 January 2021


A good man is one who has experience in the Infinite Reality, who lives and acts in perfect harmony with this divine consciousness; the man who acts ethically as a result of his mystical experience.

The parable of the fishnet and its content affirms a final and definitive separation between the good and the bad, between those who are internally good and act externally according to their conscience. Man can and should become internally good; this is its raison d'être, its purpose here on Earth and elsewhere in the Universe, and as an outpouring of his being good in God, he ought to do good to men.

To be good (mystics) is to do good (ethics). Whoever is and thus acts participate in the continuity of life - but who is not and does not act otherwise, succumbs to eternal death. Eternal death is the extinction of individuality, disintegration for lack of integration, non-realization for lack of realization.

The period for this integration or realization of man usually does not happen in the few decades of his earthly life, but in the total cycle of his existence, a cycle that can span thousands and millions of years, because, as a rule, the spiritual evolution of Man occurs in short steps and over long periods of time. And, according to the Cosmic Laws, the unfulfilled is extinguished. However, some men reach their sublime state of mind in a much shorter time.

Man is not immortal, but he can perpetuate his existence. He who can become immortalized should do it, and who does not create debt, and all debt generates suffering.

In this sense, Jesus says: "I came that man should not perish but have eternal life ... Whoever has faithfulness to me will not die, and though he has died (physically) he will live forever and ever."

The parable of the fishnet proclaims the possibility of eternal life and the possibility of eternal death. It is up to the free will of man to choose between these two alternatives: to be realized or not!

Eternal life is not a dissolution of man into the Whole but is an integration of the individual into the Whole. Who in this process dissolves, ceases to exist - whoever integrates continues to exist.

Universal Life does not "exist", it "is." Individual life continues to exist when it integrates into the Whole, but ceases to exist (though it remains life) when it does not integrate but dissolves into the Whole.

Here on earth, apparently, man is the only creature that can continue to exist individually; the other creatures, when they die, apparently cease to exist individually, because their "individual existence" dissolves in the Universal Life, although it cannot be precisely stated that the existence of certain nonhuman beings dissolves in it. There is much affinity between man and these beings in some aspects of their existence and particularities. However, such assertion is very premature; perhaps science, when hand in hand with religion, can reveal hidden truths to us.

Einstein himself stated that: "Natural science without religion is lame - religion without science is blind."

What man knows is only a drop of water in the ocean of his ignorance. For it is dangerous to try to explain the unexplainable, since the risk of complicating it is high. It is that the analytical-intellectual mind of man has an amazing ability to provoke a source of misunderstanding - chaos or nothingness.

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