Monday 26 July 2021


THE ART OF SPIRITUAL HEALING is the title of a book based on the personal experience of Joel Solomon Goldsmith (1892-1964), a modern North American mystic, teacher, author of spiritual texts and many years of spiritual healing practice. Along with other books on the subject, Goldsmith reveals the spiritual principles which are the foundation for spiritual healing. He alternates instructions with meditations to demonstrate his conviction that since physical health is a manifestation of consciousness, physical well-being is the normal result when the conscious union with God is attained. This book, complete in purpose and unique in approach, provides a straightforward explanation of a mysterious and complex subject to many.

Goldsmith believes that the world needs people who, by devotion to God, are so filled with the Spirit that they can be instruments through which healings occur, saying that: “Whoever reads this book will be ready to accept the responsibility to begin healing. It is not your spirituality or mine, nor is it your understanding or mine that will heal anyone. It is our comprehension of God in silence that makes us receptive.”

This book is a challenge to all that involves the behaviour of the human ego and an invitation to the greatness of the divine Self in man. It is a true revolution - in the service of great evolution.

Below, in chapter A NEW CONCEPT OF SUPPLY, Goldsmith addresses the need for the consciousness of the divine presence in man, as this is the only way to have something, without going through suffering, where everything will flow freely and in abundance for this man plenty of God.


“If God is the substance above all forms, how could you increase the form? Is God the substance of limited forms? No, the form is already infinite, just as infinite is the substance that produced the form. The secret is that you recognize that God is omnipresent - more than that, that God is Omnipresence itself, the presence of your own being, and therefore the presence of the Infinite. Your consciousness of that presence of the Infinite reveals the Infinite as abundance where there was a lack.

Everything that appears visible is made of the substance of the Invisible and is infinite. So, for example, there is no possibility of increasing your harvests, your money, your lands, or anything else through what the world calls a prayer. There is no miraculous prayer that will get a bunny out of a hat. No one can do that unless the bunny has been there before. There is no such thing as an increase or decrease - there is only the Infinite Reality. If you are not a recipient of the Infinite Plenitude, it is not because It is absent but because you lack awareness of the Infinite Plenitude.

Many so-called metaphysicians try to demonstrate forms of Good as if there had been a time when these forms of good existed independently and separately from Good, Itself! As God-consciousness reveals itself, this presence of Good appears in the form that this moment in life requires - often in a miraculous way.

Throughout the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, this miracle appears and reappears. Every prophet, saint, seer or sage felt the presence of God, and in that Presence, it lived consciously protected, safe and fed, and with all the needs guaranteed. But did every man experience these effects in biblical times? In our times, does everyone feel supported? To whom did this happen, to whom does it happen, and to whom will it happen? It happens to those who are clearly aware of the presence of God, those who live, move and have been consciously in God. Jesus could not multiply bread and fish; He could only do one thing, to realize the awareness of the Father's presence within him, and this awareness of the Father's presence was manifested externally as multiplied bread and fish, as the healing of the sick and as the resurrection of the dead.

If a man learns to give up his mental power - if he gives up wanting to manufacture something with the truth, trying to make his mind an electric power plant – becoming quiet and receptive until the Word starts to flow. He will know what harmony and infinite plenitude mean.

Miracles happen when the mind stops struggling with creating something, multiply, heal, save or redeem! When the mind relaxes, it realizes that the Infinite Reality of God is the only I Am, and that how God reveals itself can be infinite. In this way, the heavens proclaim the glory of God, revealing its beauty and plenitude; and the earth testifies to the wonders of God's greatness, inexhaustible in form, variety, colours, perfumes and multitude.

God's measure is infinite. But when man tries to produce apples, when he tries to build a home, health, wealth, he descends to finitude. However, if he becomes aware of the presence of God and lives that Presence, infinity appears in infinite forms of the Good. The presence of God does not create this or that form of harmony - the presence of God is in itself the form of all Good.

Therefore, material assistance will become visible only insofar as a man loves his neighbour - distributing love, forgiveness, offering collaboration, solidarity - in always giving without ever expecting a reward! Only an insensitive materialist can receive in return. The true spiritual Light distributes from the plenitude of a dedicated heart without thinking about correspondence. Award - for what? God is one’s sufficient return!

Comprehending this concept means comprehending the most important basis, that of self-realization. In the face of truth, the state of consciousness determines supply - not some God, not some Christ, not some Spirit who dwells somewhere! Decisive is only consciousness; the degree of consciousness developed.

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