Tuesday, 20 July 2021


The world around us is a world of visual effects - whose cause is invisible.

Behind this vast multi-coloured canvas of transitory phenomena exist the mysterious colourless cause, the eternal and immutable Absolute.

Profane man is constantly directed by the external world; it is not he who decides - it is the world of phenomena that determine what this man must do or fail to do.

A profane man is not an acting subject but an actuated object.

He is a slave of his feelings, thoughts and handcuffed to all that satisfies his tyrannical ego, which hampers the freedom to be himself, his true divine Self.

He is at the mercy of selfish passions: greed, sensuality, fear, hatred, aversion - a passive victim of all the impacts coming from the periphery of his personality.

It is a branch agitated by the wind and not a fixed structure in eternal rocks.

The profane man is moved like a puppet manipulated by invisible strings... feet and hands, mind and heart, under the forces of external agents. 

He does not guide himself - he is guided.

But when man surpasses the frontier of the world of appearances and enters the zone of the great reality; when, as a victim of external effects, he becomes master of his inner cause, from the creature to the Creator, from appearances to the essence, from temporal to the eternal - he ceases to be a slave of illusions and becomes master of the truth.

He abandons the quicksands of the peripheral world and establishes his home on the solid rocks of the divine reality.

He proclaims his true freedom – “the glorious liberty of the children of God.”

And from the lofty heights of his spiritual Himalaya, this man contemplates with joyful serenity all the ups and downs of human life and of the world around him.

Not with the dominant disdain of the proud - but with the humble benevolence of the sage.

Who everything comprehends does not know contempt, pride, and hatred - encompasses all things with powerful softness and with the smooth power of universal love.

In the heart of this man, all beings in the universe of God have a place and secure home.

Because the initiate knows from intimate experience that all the children of God are its brothers and sisters like members of the great family of the heavenly Father.

Truth is freedom.

Freedom is comprehension.

Comprehension is love.

Love is happiness.

Do not allow yourself to be a puppet of external compulsion - and become the master of the internal impulse.

Lord of your life.

Lord of your destiny, captain of your soul... 

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