Monday 26 July 2021


During the 1960s/70s, already famous and respected professor, philosopher, theologian and educator, writer of numerous books, polymath, and polyglot, Huberto Rohden was frequently asked for interviews and lectures by the Brazilian media. Among some, the television interviews given by the famous Brazilian journalist Xênia Bier stand out.

In the interviews, Rohden, always very informal and in a good mood, discusses the works of Joel Goldsmith on the art of spiritual healing and Dr Victor Frankl, famous Austrian neurologist on healing through Logotherapy. Below is an excerpt of his comments on the questions.

In the November 1976 interview on the art of healing by the power of the spirit, he says that the author insists that there is only one power - in the sense of physical well-being, there are no two, a positive power called life and health and a negative one, called death and illness. This is a human invention. It is no use fighting darkness; it is necessary to affirm the light. It's Goldsmith's thesis. He healed a lot of people with this form of therapy.

For example, Xenia, and to draw a parallel to this process; someone enters a completely dark room and says:

My God! This room is in complete darkness! Let's sweep out the darkness... quickly, get a broom! Sweep the darkness out!... But the darkness remains because it doesn't work that way. So, let's try it with a sword... Take a sword, cut into pieces the darkness of this room. And the room remains completely dark. That's what humanity is doing. Incessantly fights the negative and does not affirm the positive. This is what Goldsmith's book The Art of Spiritual Healing is about. He has healed many people for over 30 years, just making them aware of the only positive power in the Universe. But it is difficult for a man to accept this positive power, for he always thinks that there is a negative power called death, sin, disease. The man only sees the negative and forgets the positive.

And Goldsmith, after a lot of experience with this kind of treatment, says that it is useless to focus on the negative power called disease. It must be powerfully affirmed that there is only one positive power: life, health, joy, and happiness. Whether someone succeeds or not is a problem because almost all men embody the spirit of Don Quixote.

Don Quixote once fought an entire night on the plains of Holland against an enemy regiment, and because he was fearless, he defeated an entire regiment in one night. And at dawn, he went to inspect the battlefield to see how many casualties there were... And he didn't find any, only pieces of broken windmills. He thought those windmill wings that fluttered in the night were the enemies. And he broke all the windmills that were in front of him. That's what humanity does today. Fight against an imaginary enemy. But there was no enemy; it was just an innocent windmill. Windmills are called diseases, and man has to fight diseases, ending illnesses, but there was no illness... It was just bad health; it wasn't a disease.

It's straightforward to defeat the darkness; light a match! So, where did the darkness go? The man is playing the role of a naive Don Quixote. It is necessary to affirm, to powerfully raise the consciousness of the only power in the Universe, which is life and health.

But, as man does not know how to affirm the positive, he fights the negative.

Illness is an absence, and health is a presence. Light is presence, and darkness is absence. Man cannot fight an absence; only presence can be affirmed. This is pure logic; this is pure math! It is not possible to combat an absence called illness; it is essential to affirm a presence called life and health. That's what Goldsmith's book teaches.

The Art of Spiritual Healing should not be read, much less devoured; it should be ruminated. Ruminate and assimilate.

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Next, the interviewer, Xênia asks: Is Frankl's Logotherapy or Goldsmith's method being practised on a large scale?

Rohden says no, as both therapies are very advanced healing projects for the stage of man still far removed from spiritual principles. It's not possible... man only knows two forms of therapies: Somatotherapy – healing for the body, and Psychotherapy – healing for the mind.

Nowadays, there is a third form, Logotherapy, which is being practised; however, the result depends much more on the receiver than on the sender. For example, if a broadcasting station emits powerful electronic waves and there is no receiver to receive these waves, absolutely nothing happens. And that's what's happening; there are no receivers for the Logotherapy emitter vibrations...

There may be a powerful healing emitter, but if there is no receiver receiving these healing waves, nothing happens because the effect depends on the receiver. The broadcasting station can broadcast, but if there is no receiver tuned to the same frequency, the tuning breaks and falls into emptiness.

It so happens that with Logotherapy, which is the sum of mental, emotional and spiritual healing emanations, only those with the appropriate receiving ability to tune into healing and be cured are reached. People who have faith in this therapy proposal, but who are few

If humanity were more prepared to receive these waves, Logotherapy would be more successful. Unfortunately, most humanity is typically material and mental, and very few individuals can respond to spiritual vibrations.

For more than 20 centuries, the education of humanity within Western Christianity was not designed in this sense. All education and civilization are materialistic and mentalistic. These are waves of a much inferior character. Today, we don't have a spiritual civilization. This civilization is being projected only slowly, but only individually; society does not react to this proposal.

As Victor Frankl says, the human mind is hypnotized, in collective hypnosis that only reacts through external stimuli, which come from outside. We cannot start a new education in a few years. It takes centuries and millennia to surpass the education received in the last 2 millennia. We can minimize and surpass – we don't have to neutralize anything, but we must surpass. We don't have to destroy our past education; we must complete, surpass, perfect, evolve all of our past education. However, this is the problem of many centuries and millennia. 

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