Wednesday 14 July 2021


By ignorance, the senses keep us in the unconsciousness of our slavery because they suffer biased interpretations, examined by a precarious and extremely oscillating judgment.

By science, the intellect makes us conscious of our slavery.

By wisdom, reason frees us from slavery.

The truth about the Creator, the truth about the world, the truth about ourselves - this is the great liberator!

Truth, however, can only be known by the intuitive reason, spiritual, by the Divine Logos that enlightens every man who comes to this world. Therefore, it is the reason which brings us great freedom through the knowledge of the truth. The truth is the consciousness of reality; it is the essence of things perceived by the conscious being; the harmony between objective reality and the reflection which this reality projects in the conscious and thinking subject. And this essence is God, the Absolute, the Universal, the Infinite, the Cosmic Potencies, a living and active force; it is Life, Consciousness, Reason, the Spirit in its unlimited degree.

“Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

When a man reaches this state of supreme consciousness, all doubts about the problems of life disappears. He knows what he is; he knows what he wants; he knows where he is going. He lives his vast and profound immortality.

And then comes that great peace, that immense serenity, a beatitude that surpasses all comprehension. He knows that his feet are solidly set on the rock of the Eternal, of the Absolute, of the Infinite.

And even if all human beings were opposed to his philosophy as illusory and absurd, this man would know that it is true for his criterion of truth surpasses all barriers erected by the intellect, whose strength is weakness, whose lights are dark when facing the cosmic power of the intuitive reason, i.e., the Divine Logos in man.

However, it is essential not to misunderstand this profound and wide rational ethics with the superficial and narrow ethics of the common person's will.

Ethics based merely on explicit acts of the will is a precarious, fragmented and imperfect state of consciousness; always difficult, sacrificing; it offers no guarantee of perpetuity, typical of all difficult acts, whose function is intermittent and precarious, as it shows how the tyrannical ego works hard and sometimes grudgingly to show that the ego is good, but that it is reluctant, however, in making that effort continually. 

In contrast, as they are products of the conscious being and flows without any effort, the easy and pleasurable acts are continuous and solid. For the beginner, the ethics of the will is certainly necessary for no one can take the second step without taking the first, nor the last without the penultimate; the beginner must want to be good, above all, and then be good. This ethics is based on a kind of faith, which, when mature, culminates in wisdom - and it is this rational wisdom characterizing perfect ethics.

Man can be subjectively good, as is every man who seeks an ethical living - but this subjective goodness is not identical to the objective perfection of man integrated into rational ethics.

The objective perfection of man consists in the comprehension of why he should be good. This reason is not on the horizontal level of the conscious will, nor the social level, in the need that the civilized man has to live with his peers, coexistence which is impossible without justice, kindness, love. The perfect man is also ethical in solitude, with no contact with society, as if he were living alone. Ethics was not born from social coexistence but intelligence, will and reason.

Why then should a man be good? The perfect man is ethical because his “acting” harmonizes with his “being”. It reveals in the horizontal level of ethics what he is in the vertical level of metaphysics. Acts according to his nature, which is to be good and wholly true to himself. Live what he is. Comprehending his essential identity with the Infinite makes his essential activity fully coincide with his essential reality. He abolished all discrepancies between his being and his living; he has divested himself of the Adamic Man, who lives contrary to what he is, and has invested on the Christlike Man, who in the level of his daily duty holds inviolable fidelity to the eternal reality of his being; who has overcome all lies and falsehoods between his divine being and his human way of living; he lives in his human existence his divine essence.

Consequently, a man who has reached the luminous heights of rational or cosmic ethics is an individual personality perfectly integrated into the universal Whole! 

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