Wednesday 14 July 2021


The Sanskrit word “avatara” means descended and designate an entity of a high level of spiritual evolution which has decided to descent from its heights to regions of lower vibration; the descend of a deity or a very evolved spirit, and the consequent incarnated manifestation on Earth in the human form of a Divine entity.

This voluntary descend of the avatar is part of the drama of its ascensional evolution, which represents a link in the long chain of its Self-realization.

When an avatar reaches a high level of evolution and liberation, it has the desire to descent to lower spheres of life to achieve greater heights in the pilgrimage of his incessant self-realization.

All avatars consciously know that there is no evolution without resistance, without struggle, without suffering. And, as in the higher regions of the spirit, there is not enough resistance and suffering, the avatar decides to descent to the inferior spheres of matter in the search for the required resistance.

This avatar attitude seems to be a paradox, a kind of masochism, self-immolation, suffering. But for the avatar, suffering is not an end, but a means to a more sublime end. The avatar seeks resistance, struggles and suffering to continue the ascending line of its unlimited evolution.

This desire for future evolution seems selfishness to the ignorant, but it is the imperative of a superior realization for the avatar who has surpassed all stages of illusory selfishness and deals exclusively with its self-realization, which is the law of the whole Universe, for Cosmic Laws, know no stagnation or regression, but continual evolution.

Self-realization is holiness, is self-assertion is the Divine Love in the creature that evolves.

The more evolved the avatar feels, so more desire it has to enslave voluntarily for love.

For the love of what?

Many think that the avatar's love targets the inferior beings among whom it embodies. But the truth is that the avatar's love primarily targets the avatar itself and its higher evolution. Therefore, there is no trace of selfishness in this self-love, which is the supreme cosmic and Divine imperative: “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”

However, despite the avatar's love been self-love, indirectly it is also an externalized love because of the benefit of that love reverses to inferior beings that cause suffering and resistance to it. According to eternal laws, fullness inevitably overflows. The more deepens in the avatar its self-fullness, the more its fullness spreads in benefit onto other beings.

“For from His fullness, we have all received, grace upon grace”, says the sacred text concerning the avatar Jesus.

These superior beings who realize its fullness are the unknown benefactors of other beings. It is not possible to be good without doing good to other receptive beings.

This is the wonderful symbiosis of the Universe.

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