Thursday 15 July 2021


 --- Dear friend, do you believe in Divine inspiration?

 --- And why not? It remains only to define what is meant by “Divine inspiration.” Commonly, it is understood by a voice that comes externally from man, through the senses, because the profane man only admits an external God, transcendent, and knows nothing about an internal God, immanent. The initiate, however, knows that “the spirit of God dwells in man”, that the human soul is the Divine Spirit itself in individualized form. While this divine spirit, the soul, is dormant in man, there is no inspiration; but if it wakes up and begins to reveal itself, though, in a great silence, Divine inspiration happens.

All Divine inspiration must be comprehended in this way. God never spoke to a man through the material senses; It reveals itself through the soul, God in man.

Man, accustomed to aspiring his knowledge through external objects, believes he has heard the God, who, according to him, lives in other dimensions, external to man. This occurs because the force of habit leads him to objectify his subjective experience. Generally, man objectifies God or “sees or listens” to God in the form of light or sound. And in the case where the soul is not fully awakened, it mixes the ingredients of the senses and the intellect with its spiritual experiences - and the pure inspiration of God is left mixed with impure human additions.

The human soul of Jesus, who acquired immaculate experiential purity, was in permanent contact with God.

Those who accept the Bible “from cover to cover” as the pure inspiration of God cannot comprehend how God once gave revelations as imperfect as the personal and national revenge, stoning adulteresses but not adulterers, the killing of innocent children, as Psalm 137:8:9 requires. Those who know that all inspiration and revelation come from within man himself - and since few men are pure enough not to contaminate divine purity - these comprehend the reason for certain fewer perfect revelations.

Here applies to the old philosophical proverb: “The received is in the recipient according to the capacity of the recipient!” 

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