Monday 26 July 2021


The title of this essay was taken from a chapter of the book COSMOTHERAPY - The Cure of Human Diseases by Cosmic Consciousness, written by Huberto Rohden, whose content comes providentially to the reader, given what humanity is going through chaos with the pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus and its aggressive variants.

And this is not just another book by Rohden. It is an unprecedented work by one of the greatest Christian thinkers, Brazilian by birth, philosopher, spiritualist, polymath, polyglot and the author of about a hundred published works.

It is a posthumous book. The originals were found among the author's papers shortly after his death in 1981. In the first chapter of the book, Rohden states: “The content of this book is important for all people. Everyone, in one way or another, needs therapy, healing”.

Previously, Rohden had translated and commented on the extraordinary book The Art of Spiritual Healing, written by Joel S. Goldsmith, an American healer and mystic, and in 1965, began to have contact with the writings of Dr Viktor E Frankl, author of several books and creator of Logotherapy, and from these contacts, Rohden created the concept of Cosmotherapy and under it, presenting a collection of answers to the great existential problem of man: the cause of infirmities and the method of cure.

Rohden claimed that both therapists - Frankl and Goldsmith - used the same healing principle in man: all healing is self-healing, that human diseases can be cured by the cosmic consciousness immanent in each being.

Anguish and existential frustration are common states in almost all human beings, and what is the solution to this problem? Healing can only be achieved with the perfect and total harmony of the individual being with the Universal Life.

The limited advances in medical science, which always collide with the interests of governments, lobbyists and the tyranny of pharmaceutical companies and their shareholders try to ignore the reality of being and life due to these pressures. But it is only a means and not the end, and it will certainly, lead humanity to spiritual medicine until man becomes conscious that there is no need to fight evils - it is enough to do good, that evil will cease to exist.

“The virus (Latin word meaning poisonous fluid or toxin) is a simple, microscopic organism and apparently, the only acellular living being that exists; basically, formed by a protein capsule involving genetic material.

In the last century, Louis Pasteur, biologist, microbiologist and French chemist famous for his discoveries of the principles of vaccination, microbial fermentation and pasteurization made one of the most amazing discoveries, that these living microorganisms, as well as protozoa, amoebas, bacilli, bacteria, algae, fungi are responsible for many diseases and epidemics that can even kill.

The second stage of this discovery was even more amazing: he discovered that these organisms, which cause disease and death, can contribute to such a way that from their transformed chemical matter, antidotes or drugs are produced against the very diseases they produce; making the competent culture in the laboratory, extracting its poison from it and inoculating them in the blood of a healthy person. These organisms, for example, bacteria - say Koch's bacillus, which produces tuberculosis - live peacefully in the living organism, not harming it.

However, the moment a poisonous bacterium of the same species enters the body, the non-poisonous bacteria take over their poisonous ones neutralizing it, counteracting as an antidote - and there will be no disease due to lack of poison. Disarmed bacteria in the laboratory disarm armed bacteria. The antidote is made with the bacteria's poison.

The same genius occurred with Albert Sabin in the discovery of the polio vaccine.

A similar process also occurs in the world of metaphysics: from the material world, the poison of which the profane man succumbs, the counter-poison, the remedy capable of saving man from deadly materialism can be made. But it is necessary to know how to decontaminate the material world through a laboratory culture, a process that only the cosmic man comprehends.

As a rule, a profane man succumbs to the poison of the material world, which he adores as an idol and to which he succumbs as his deadly tyrant, the idolatry of matter practised by the profane kills the idolater himself. The matter is like a poisonous bacterium that destroys the human organism in which it manages to introduce itself. The profane know nothing about vaccines, prophylaxis, immunization; it simply succumbs to the deadly poison of matter.

In the face of this epidemic and the death to which the profane succumb, another man appears, the mystic, who decided to flee from the material world and to permanently isolate himself in the spiritual world - in some desert, forest, a cave in the distant mountain, away from the poisonous bacteria of deadly materiality.

But, behold, another man appears, the man of cosmic consciousness and discovers a process equidistant from the procedure of the profane and the mystical: he does not succumb to the poison of the material world, nor is he isolated from this poisonous world - but he is immunized against the poison, using the poisonous material itself for manufacturing the saving antidote against this fatal poison. This man discovered the secret of producing medicine that neutralizes poison; lives in the material world without being materialistic; lives spiritually amid the matter; lives pure among the impure; healthy among the ill; live among the dead; living without contagion amid contagious epidemics.

How did the cosmic man achieve this strange prophylaxis, this incredible immunization of himself? Where does this strange and stupendous immunity come from? Why doesn't he need to flee away from the focus of disease and death, like the mystic? And why doesn’t he succumb to epidemics, like the profane?

Simply because the cosmic man discovered the spirit in the middle of the matter, and discovered the redeeming Reality in the middle of the deadly facticities for he discovered the Creator in all creatures; he discovered the spiritual content in all material vessels, for he discovered the God of the world in the world of God and freed him from all illusions!

In addition to the blindness of the profane and the clairvoyance of the mystic, the cosmic man discovered himself.

The poisonous character of matter, which poisons the profane and chases away the mystic, has ceased to exist for the cosmic man. For him, the matter is a manifestation and vehicle of the spirit, just as the crystal is a vehicle of colourless light spreading in a thousand colours. For the cosmic man, the spirit exists latent in the matter. He is, therefore, the Universal Man, seeing unity in all diversities and knows that diversities are partial manifestations of the whole unity.

For this reason, the cosmic man is vaccinated against all the evils of matter because he decontaminated matter by his inner spiritual vision; the existentiality of the matter is permeated by the Essentiality of the spirit and a spiritualized matter is a harmless, beneficial matter and that is why he is immunized against the invasion and the offensive of any harmful microorganism because yesterday's poison was transformed into today's antidote.

The profane man discovered neither the kingdom of God nor its harmony. He does not see spiritual Reality, and even less does he see the harmony between spiritual Reality and material facticities; he sees only material facticities, and nothing else. He manages, with great effort, to conquer certain materialities with the sweat of his face because the world is covered with thorns and thistles, the world is hostile to him because he knows nothing of the spiritual Reality and if he were aware of that Reality, all his material needs would be given to him.

The mystical man discovered the kingdom of God, the spiritual world, but he has not yet discovered its harmony, the possibility of a reconciliation between the kingdom of God of the world and the things of the world of God. And, for not having discovered this harmony and compatibility, the mystic, in his great sincerity, opted for the kingdom of God and against the things of the kingdom of this world. He reduced the material facilities of life to a minimum because he lives in isolation in the transcendent spiritual Reality. But, as the goods of daily life come through material channels and, as he does not want to know about these channels, although he has the kingdom of God, he does not have the conscious harmony that exists between the kingdom of God and other things, and for this reason, these other things are not added to him spontaneously.

The profane man is a slave to the material world, while the mystical man is a deserter from the material world.

The cosmic man is an ally of the material world. That is why the material world offers him everything necessary for earthly life. Nature offers all the treasures of its abundance to the man who is neither a slave nor a deserter of nature but, rather, his friend and ally.

The material world will never be transformed by the material man neither by the mystical man. It will only be transformed by the cosmic man. Only he perceives the secret relationship between the spiritual cause and the material effects, between the invisible Reality and the visible facticities. Without this perception of cause and effect, there will never be an efficient formation of the world and humanity.

In the mid-first century, Paul of Tarsus intuitively described the cosmic man, and in the mid-twentieth century, a new seer, Teilhard de Chardin, described him as well.

Paul of Tarsus wrote in the letter to Romans 8-18, the following: “Nature yearns for the revelation of the children of God (that is, for the advent of the cosmic man). Nature was subject to corruptibility, not by its own free will, but by the one who subjected it (that is, the profane man). But nature hopes to be freed from the corrupting slavery and to achieve the glorious freedom of the children of God. All nature suffers labour pains, yearning for divine fatherhood (the cosmic man), which is the redemption of the body (that is, the redemption of the integral man, including the integrity and immortality of the body). Only in this faith will man be saved”.

The profane man is not redeemed, either in the soul nor in the body.

The mystical man is redeemed in the soul because he is no longer the author of evils, but he is not redeemed in the body because he is still a victim of evils.

The cosmic man, however, is redeemed in the soul, for he is no longer the author of evil and is also redeemed in the body because he is no longer the victim of compulsory evils.”

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