Wednesday, 28 July 2021


No one can awaken to the perception of the Absolute Reality - the harmony of the Cosmos - before its time has arrived. Therefore, it is superfluous, sometimes harmful and dangerous, to want to impose certain ideas about spirituality to people not sufficiently evolved in this matter; they cannot receive them because of a lack of this spiritual maturity, just as an immature female cannot conceive offspring. We cannot induce a rosebud to bloom before the time scheduled by the nature of the plant; we can shake it, squeeze it, force it to open and possibly destroy it - but we cannot make the rosebud bloom. However, in its time, a solar ray gently, without any untimely violence, manages to realize this wonder in Nature.

We can, however, prepare the path for our fellow humans so that in time they receive and assimilate certain messages from the world of transcendence - though we cannot give them these ideas, to force or impose it... that sounds like a spiritual rape. All inner enrichment comes vertically, from the Source to the channels, whereas all our preliminary work of teachers, guides, educators, masters, messengers, trainers... is merely horizontal. However, at the intersection between the vertical and the horizontal happens the great experience and the ultimate secret of all spiritual evolution. The combination of vertical and horizontal results in a cross, a symbol of redemption; this same symbol is called in mathematics, plus, and positive in physics and esoteric religions, the same sign means infinite or universal.

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