Wednesday 21 July 2021


This must be the greatest adventure of a man's life: discovering God within himself.

One lives in the traditional illusion that God dwells in heaven, a region that innocently understands itself as very distant in the Universe, and that this God must be sought in long and uncertain odysseys in space.

They say that there are some places on the planet Earth where God is more present - and that is why man travels, undertakes pilgrimages to distant areas to get a little closer to this distant God.

They also say that the distance between God and man is so great that everyone doubts that anyone will have enough strength to reach the journey's end.

They even say that this journey does not seem to be a task of the present life, but a journey afterlife, as if God is hidden behind the thick veil of the flesh and that once this veil of flesh and bone is destroyed, God will appear with open arms, completely visible!

Man! poor pilgrim... great will be your illusion!

God is everywhere, but conscious contact with God is at the confluence of individual consciousness and Universal Consciousness, where the narrow creek of human individuality flows into the immense ocean of Divinity.

After a man discovers God within himself, it is easy to discover Him everywhere, in all beings; otherwise, these beings would have no existence, since externally to God there is no autonomous, original, absolute reality, but only pseudo realities.

Discover God within yourself, and God will be found.

And in God, all creatures and the entire Universe inhabit.

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