Wednesday 21 July 2021


Some theologians attach great importance to the historical fact of Jesus' physical death, and they think that this event was the climax of the whole history of the human race.

But in fact, this bodily death does not deserve such stupefaction. What was so great about Jesus was that he had overcome the compulsory need to die, accepting death with spontaneous freedom for he knew that there is a life greater than death, and because he also had the power to ask the interference of legions of angels to free him; but what would be of the history of humanity, without his existence? “No one takes my life - I lay down my life when I want it and return it when I want to.”

This triumph of life over death, born from his divine experience – “The Father and I are one” - is a unique fact in the history of the human race. The human existence of Jesus is so intimately connected with the divine essence of Christ that he could calmly allow and even cause his physical death. 1

Those who live 100% of their immortality can descend to ground zero of its mortality.

All living beings fear death and avoid it because none of them is fully conscious of their immortality. Non-human beings, apparently, accept the death of the individual due to the biological instinct of their survival in the species, since in the vast majority prevails the “group consciousness”, and not the “individual consciousness” and, as the group or the species survive, death is a natural consequence. 2

The ego-conscious man, but not yet the Christlike-conscious one, has a horrible fear of death, for he realizes the far-reaching possibility of individual immortality that he has not yet fully realized and is therefore not satisfied with mere racial survival in his offspring or his species, as it generally happens with nonhuman creatures.

Jesus had reached the culmination of the Christlike consciousness and could play with life and death, like a chess player who puts the figures in the white or black squares on the board.

The greatness of his death lies in the greatness of his consciousness that there is no death for those who live everlasting life.

“The prince of this world cometh, but over me, it has no power: for I have overcome the world.”

“The last enemy to be defeated is death.”


1)- In his book, Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda describes this phenomenon occurring among some yogis, consciously leaving the material body and Paul Brunton, in his book A Search in Secret India, refers to this same phenomenon.

2)- What man knows and judges to be sure is nothing else than a drop of water in the vast ocean of his ignorance; therefore, any attempt to speculate about the nature and plans of the Cosmic Powers concerning nonhuman beings, their possible individuality, relations between themselves and the group and relations between groups of different natures must be made with great caution since we do not know the real intentions of these Powers concerning life as a WHOLE. Still, a certainty exists... that the entire Universe revolves around harmony in diversity, and man must fit into that harmony to stop being the out of tune note in the Symphony of Creation.

It is worth remembering that the science of sec. XXI has been discovering new revelations about the lives of some nonhuman beings and that the individual consciousness in certain species can be a fact. For example, the elephant mourns the death of its kind, so much so that it repeatedly returns to the place where the death of one of its own occurred. And it is convenient to remember also, the famous quote of Albert Einstein - this famous scientist, universal, visionary, humanist and mystic – when he stated: “Natural science without religion is lame - religion without science is blind.” And this statement is a truth - knowing only the objective facts is equivalent to cold light, light without heat and force - however, wanting to create subjective values, religious, moral and ethical, without proper knowledge of the facts is equivalent to running blind. Light without force creates Luciferlike intelligence - heat without force generates fanatical desires.

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