Thursday 3 December 2020


If there had been no sin, especially the original sin invented by the church, the clergy would lose their job and therefore their raison d'être! According to its ideology, the primary function of clergy is the liberation of man from sin and to give him redemption. If there is no sin, there is no need for redemption; and if there is no such need, there is no need for the clergy - so sin must exist for the clergy to exist!

The idea of sin was established by the doctrine of Christian theologies, that the man is conceived and born in sin. It is also a general belief that this inherited sin from Adam and Eve is extinguished at baptism when the newborn is brought before a baptismal font and holy water is poured over its head, or by submersion in water and certain magic words. After that, the human soul, possessed of Satan, becomes the offspring of God!

The Gospel of Jesus radically ignores the existence of original sin, commands the children to come, saying that the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to them, and harshly warns adults not to lead an innocent child “who has faith in him” to sin, even though Jesus recognizes the reality of personal sin, a sin acquired when the human ego begins to show signs of its tyranny through free will even at a young age. The idea of original sin was smuggled into Christianity by some representatives of the Israeli synagogue who adopted it and therefore created the ritual of infant baptism.

Even after the death of the individual, sin must continue - at least the venial sin whose authors are in purgatory - and this sinful humanity of purgatory is incomparably more numerous than the number who still live.

According to Catholicism, venial sin is a minor one which does not result in the complete separation from God and eternal damnation in hell, as would an unrepentant mortal sin; and venial sin does not break man's relationship with God, but it does harm it. And the clergy wisely using this plea, affirms that this humanity living in the beyond - the spirits - is the object of their solicitude, because it receives the benefit, above all through the mass and the sacraments, which are the monopoly of the clergy, thus continuing to live on the profits of sin committed by the weaknesses of men.

The merits of redemption, theology says, come from Jesus, but their application depends on the clergy! and if there is no priest to apply to the laity these merits, practically such merits do not exist for them, and since there is no redemption, the poor living being or soul wanders eternally in sin without being redeemed.

That's the power the clergy have - according to their theology ...

This is certainly one of the main reasons why Jesus' message and of other great spiritual masters are inefficient because it depends on human intermediaries, who receive the divine messages and immediately contaminate them with their interpretations!

If Jesus returned to the world, according to Nietzsche, the first public statement he would make to mankind would be this: “Christians from every country and every church, know that I am not a Christian - I am the Christ!”

And that is why the greatest tragedy that can happen to a spiritual master is to have, after death, disciples unable to comprehend the spirit of that master; these disciples will, as a rule, teach precisely the opposite of what the master said, defiling the pure message.

And where do all these monstrosities come from?

It comes from the false concept of God and man ...

The man ignores himself and ignores what God is ...

And the mystery of the unknown God continues and the riddle of man also, this unknown creature ... 

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