Wednesday 2 December 2020


--- "Religion is opium for the people." (Lenin)

--- "You can destroy all the churches in Russia, but there will always be a church in the soul of every peasant." (Stalin)

--- "Every human soul is Christlike by its very nature." (Tertullian)

--- "I accept Jesus and his Gospel - but I do not accept your Christianity." (Mahatma Gandhi)

--- "Who was vaccinated with the serum of our Christian theology is immunized against the spirit of Jesus." (Albert Schweitzer)

--- "If Jesus returned to the world in our day, the first proclamation that he would make is: Christians of all churches, know that I am not Christian." (Nietzsche)

Reasonable men are increasingly convinced that there is a huge difference between Jesus' message and ecclesiastical Christianity, between the Christhood of the one who shares the essence of Christ and his Gospel in life - and the Christianity of the churches.

The genuine Christhood of the mystics of the catacombs and martyrdom in the Coliseum, lasted for three centuries, from the year 33 until 313, when Constantine the Great founded the theological Christianity, based on politics, money and weapons. From the fourth century until the sixteenth century, all Europe was dominated by the ecclesiastical Christianity, which managed to maintain its principles through the fires of the Inquisition, for whoever arose against the tyranny of the ecclesiastical church was slain.

In the sixteenth century, most European Christendom replaced the ecclesiastical Christianity by Biblical Christianity - but did not return to the Christhood of Christ. Today, many countries in Europe are no longer accepting traditional Christianity; some still tolerate it just for social convenience, but there is no enthusiasm for any theology.

In the early twentieth century, the Christian West was invaded by the philosophy of the East, especially India; the boredom of theological Christianity and a hunger for an individual and profound mystical experience dominates the ones in search for true spirituality. The eastern mystics provided us with the key to open up the mystics of the Gospel of Jesus.

--- Radhakrishnan, former Vice President of India wrote: "The religion of humanity's future will be the mystics."

The spiritual man is increasingly convinced that traditional Christianity is an international, political and financial organization - while the message of Jesus is an individual experience, the kingdom of heaven in man, a hidden treasure that should be revealed; a light under the lampstand that must be placed on top of the chandelier; a precious stone on the seabed that should be brought to the surface because the message of Jesus is not based in the liturgy of the sacraments nor in the veneration of saints.

The most serious mistake of Christianity is that it made Jesus an exception rather than an example to follow. Jesus came to point the way for the discovery of the inner God in man; this path leads to a gradual process of initiation and spiritual evolution until the highest state of consciousness is reached.

--- "I have no religion - Einstein wrote - but I am a deeply religious man because I see a Supreme Power in all things of the Universe."

The powers of hell will not prevail against the soul of the Gospel, against the Christhood of Christ – but certainly, all forms of Christianity are in crisis.

This is the millennial drama of Christ and the anti-Christ ...

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