Monday 14 December 2020


In the highest level of mystique, which is the state of contemplation, man transcends all other inferior ones, the symbols, and even silence itself because it is replaced by the revelations of Divinity. Indeed, these revelations are also silent, but of an active and dynamic silence, the silence of plenitude, not emptiness.

Contemplation is the highest form of knowledge, because in this state man surpasses the outer sheaths of the physical-mental world, and takes hold of the inner reality. Only the contemplative man “knows” and “comprehends” what reality is; others just understand, want to know it or believe.

At the basis of all artistic intuition is something of this contemplation, which in the true mystic reaches its culmination. This intuition is the result of the artist's reflection in his works. For example, human figures in a state of sublimation, bliss, carved or painted by the great masters, their eyes fixed or half-closed pointing the firmament, in ecstasy, in full communion with the Divine, in the third heaven, in a reality beyond the natural stage of awakening of the senses or mind, as shown by the paintings of Mary Magdalene at the foot of the cross, or by Saint Peter by Guido Reni, or the sculpture of Saint Teresa in ecstasy by Gian Lorenzo Bernini.

The true mystic is the wise man par excellence. Contemplation is the impact of universal life on the integral man. The other forms of knowledge reach only one face, one aspect of man, but contemplation reaches man in his totality.

Truth, Goodness, and Beauty then merges into one, satisfying man with unspeakable happiness.

In contemplation there happens the maximum expansion of consciousness; man, at the height of his individuality, attains the maximum of universality, lives in the God of the world, and therefore lives in all the worlds of God. Mystical contemplation is the only possibility of a universal ethic because love, at its maximum intensity necessarily produces benevolence in its universal amplitude. The great mystical verticality is revealed in the vast horizontal of ethics. And this is redemption. Contemplative man is in the presence of the WHOLE; therefore, all profanities appear with an aura of sacredness. The disconnected multiplicity of the things of the world converge on the fascinating unity of its origin and centre, and this is complete and definitive redemption ...

This man who from his inner being is only of God and externally of all God's creatures realizes in himself the universal pulse of life - even in the mineral, vegetal, and sensitive life; in him, all the lives of the Universe are one Life, scattered in numerous aspects. He sees the colourless light beyond all colours. Feels “at home” in any solar system or galaxy in the Cosmos; he never has the feeling of being a stranger, a loner, wherever he is.

This man also knows that the entire Universe belongs to him and is at his disposal since this man belongs to God, and if the Universe belongs to God, everything belongs to him as well as to God, because “he and the Father are one” and consequently, he has been fully redeemed by being united with the supreme Reality of the Universe - which is also the intimate Reality of his own Self.

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