Monday 7 December 2020


When man wants to save his tyrannical ego at the expenses of his Self, acts illogically, anti-mathematically because it is impossible to save a part losing the Whole. But when a man saves his Self, he saves necessarily his ego.

Whoever saves the plant also saves the seed, which is the plant itself in its most perfect and evolved form.

Every "sin" is fundamentally a mistake in logic and mathematics. Sin is ignorance, Socrates said. And Jesus confirms this saying: "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do”. They sin because they do not know the consequences of it; if they knew it, would not sin.

Sin consists essentially in the absurd attempt of the ignorant man who wants to save his ego, sacrificing his Self; who saves his Self saves also his ego - but who wants to save his ego sacrificing his Self, loses both.

In this sense, Jesus said: "If someone wants to save his life (ego) will lose it - but whoever loses his life (ego) by the cause of me (Self) will save it”.

In fact, when Truth is broad and universal, always has this paradoxical aspect. Only small, one-sided truths can boast that they are not paradoxical. From all unilateral truth the opposite can also be affirmed; because our truths are always partial, relative.

It is necessary to die – to live…

It is necessary to dispossess of everything – to have everything…

You must lose – to win…

You must be a fool – to be wise…

You must be weak – to be strong…

You must empty yourself – to have in plenitude…

A partial view is analytical science – the overall vision is intuitive wisdom…

The penultimate phase of Self-Realization is a virtue – the latter is wisdom…

Who is fully free of all servitude can offer itself as the servant of all, but who is not free talks a lot about freedom and hate any servitude as the opposite of freedom...

Only fully free man can be voluntarily servant...

At the zenith of freedom man is reduced to the nadir of servitude...

So gloriously free is one that can be voluntarily slave...

Uncountable are the paradoxes of the Liberating Truth!


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